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sx internal memory vs fram for a 96 byte array — Parallax Forums

sx internal memory vs fram for a 96 byte array

nick bernardnick bernard Posts: 329
edited 2006-11-30 21:52 in General Discussion

i've come to an xroads in my project and i could use some advice.

my application requires a 96 byte array which are updated roughly 10 times a second.
i dont have much experience with the sx28's bank command but gunther's programming the sx has cleared a few questions.

so i'm left with 2 options:
use the sx's internal ram to store my 96 byte array
or use my fram fm24c64 to store my 96 byte array (High Endurance 1 Trillion Read/Writes )

simple math tells me i can expect 6,307,200,000 writes over 20years. which is much less than 1 trillion.

should i trust my fram to hold up over the decades, or develop a complex bank alorithm to satisfy my array?

rox on

engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-11-28 17:41
    Are you using assembly or SX/B ?
    SX28 or SX48 ?


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  • nick bernardnick bernard Posts: 329
    edited 2006-11-28 18:38
    sx/b & sx28

    engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-11-28 19:28
    If you use a SX48 it would be a piece of cake, since you can declare a 96 byte array.
    With the SX28 you need to do some work. In SX/B you can use the first array to access the elements in the other arrays. The trick is that there are 16 byte gaps inbetween. So Array1(15) is the last element in Array1, and Array1(32) is the FIRST element in Array2. But Array1(16) through Array1(31) cannot be used at all.

    Here is some code that use subroutines to access a virtual large array on the SX28.

    FREQ 4_000_000
    Array1 VAR Byte (16)
    Array2 VAR Byte (16)
    Array3 VAR Byte (16)
    Array4 VAR Byte (16)
    Array5 VAR Byte (16)
    Array6 VAR Byte (16)
    pos VAR Byte
    temp VAR Byte
    SetElement SUB 2 ' Position, Value
    GetElement FUNC 1,1 ' Position (returns Value)
      ' Set all elements
      FOR pos = 0 TO 95
        temp = pos * 2
        SetElement pos, temp
      ' Read all elements
      FOR pos = 0 TO 95
        temp = GetElement pos
      __PARAM3 = __PARAM1 AND $F0
      __PARAM3 = __PARAM3 << 1
      __PARAM4 = __PARAM1 AND $0F
      __PARAM3 = __PARAM3 OR __PARAM4
      Array1(__PARAM3) = __PARAM2
      __PARAM3 = __PARAM1 AND $F0
      __PARAM3 = __PARAM3 << 1
      __PARAM4 = __PARAM1 AND $0F
      __PARAM3 = __PARAM3 OR __PARAM4
      RETURN Array1(__PARAM3)


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
    SX-Video Display Modules
    Stuff I'm selling on ebay

    "People who are willing to trade their freedom for·security deserve neither and will lose both." Benjamin Franklin

    Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 11/28/2006 7:33:01 PM GMT
  • jb1311jb1311 Posts: 20
    edited 2006-11-28 19:29
    In the November 2006 Nuts and Volts, Jon Williams had some code in his "Hacking the Parallax GPS Module" for a 64 byte array. It looks like it could be modified pretty easily.
  • nick bernardnick bernard Posts: 329
    edited 2006-11-30 21:52
    thanks for the help guys

    engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]
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