If you disconnect the Propeller's RESn pin from either the Propeller's Plug RST pin or the DTR... when you hit F7 to try to "identify hardware" it will fail.. also.. you won't be able to download applications... so.. the RESn pin is involved in the process... pleae look at Chip's program loader ... if you look at the code you will see the pins/timing secuence required ... although I am not working on this wireless idea yet and how to resolve it.. I have been using the Wi232.DTS with great results... go to www.radiotronix.com for more info.... each module is about $30 plus 2 antenna (although you can initially experiment with plain cable as a substitute for the antenna... I am also on a budget
I see that www.radiotronix.com has XigBee modules also... I am going through the DataSheet right now.. the cost is $34.40 at www.mouser.com ... uhm.. very tempting!!!... same as you... I would like to be able to download the code wirelessly and then use the module for full duplex serial comm.... let's join forces on this idea..
Being able to program remotely is do-able, but will take some time to develop. On the PC side you would need a controller to emulate a Propeller going into programming mode, collecting the data, then transmitting that data via RF to another controller, that will store it, then emulate being the IDE to program a propeller remotely with the collected data. Hmmmm..... give me until the weekend!.. kidding, wish I had time to try it.
Joe, could you explain to me how the Wi232 works? does it mimick the pin states (when a pin goes high on the transmitter it goes high on the reciever) or is it serial based?
with a pin mimicking setup it would be very simple to set up a wireless programming unit (i believe), by simply connecting the right pins to the right places.
what i'm worried about is wreaking havoc on the timing of the programming signals. will any latency in the system cause errors? and is there a way to adjust the IDE to make the 1T:2T pulses longer (to give more time?)
If you disconnect the Propeller's RESn pin from either the Propeller's Plug RST pin or the DTR... when you hit F7 to try to "identify hardware" it will fail.. also.. you won't be able to download applications... so.. the RESn pin is involved in the process... pleae look at Chip's program loader ... if you look at the code you will see the pins/timing secuence required ... although I am not working on this wireless idea yet and how to resolve it.. I have been using the Wi232.DTS with great results... go to www.radiotronix.com for more info.... each module is about $30 plus 2 antenna (although you can initially experiment with plain cable as a substitute for the antenna... I am also on a budget
I see that www.radiotronix.com has XigBee modules also... I am going through the DataSheet right now.. the cost is $34.40 at www.mouser.com ... uhm.. very tempting!!!... same as you... I would like to be able to download the code wirelessly and then use the module for full duplex serial comm.... let's join forces on this idea..
I hope this helps...
Martin Hebel
StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
AppBee -·2.4GHz Wireless Adapters & transceivers·for the BASIC Stamp & Other controllers·
with a pin mimicking setup it would be very simple to set up a wireless programming unit (i believe), by simply connecting the right pins to the right places.
what i'm worried about is wreaking havoc on the timing of the programming signals. will any latency in the system cause errors? and is there a way to adjust the IDE to make the 1T:2T pulses longer (to give more time?)
speed is not my main concern right now...