segment current when multiplexing
I have a max 7219 display driver and a stamp bs2 with a counting program.
·I want to measure the segment current.· I have a digital scope and a DDM. Will I get a meaningfull reading of the current at this multiplex frequency?
······ Also I have the BOE but would like to build· my counter on to a·PCB using the 24 pin bs2 module only,· what parts do I need for the stamp?·
········· Is it· only·· 1· 7805
··························2·· DB-9
···················I want to·built it with the 9 pin DB-9· but use· a USB·cable sometimes,···can I do this······· Jonw·
·I want to measure the segment current.· I have a digital scope and a DDM. Will I get a meaningfull reading of the current at this multiplex frequency?
······ Also I have the BOE but would like to build· my counter on to a·PCB using the 24 pin bs2 module only,· what parts do I need for the stamp?·
········· Is it· only·· 1· 7805
··························2·· DB-9
···················I want to·built it with the 9 pin DB-9· but use· a USB·cable sometimes,···can I do this······· Jonw·
The MAX7219/7221 allow display brightness to be controlled with an external resistor (RSET) connected between V+ and ISET.· The peak current sourced from the segment drivers is nominally 100 times the current entering ISET.· This resistor can either be fixed or variable to allow brightness adjustment from the front panel.· Its minimum value should be 9.53K, which typically sets the segment current at 40mA.· Display brightness can also be controlled digitally by using the intensity register.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
············ jon
You could use a low-value (<< 1ohm) resistor in series with a segment, as a shunt, and·using an oscilloscope, view the voltage-drop across it (if this is important to you.)
What's the gag?
the forward voltage of each segment
the resistance
the max7219 output voltage
the frequency and duty cycle of the output
could you just calculate the average current and maximum current?
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!