Propeller Education Kit Labs, Tools, and Applications

Propeller Education Kit Labs, Tools,·and Applications
This page is a collection of links to Propeller Education Kit labs and discussions.· Please post replies to the individual discussions.· Also, please contact me if there's a discussion that needs a link here.
Propeller Education Kit - 40 Pin DIP Version
Propeller Education Kit - PropStick USB Version
The list below is just labs where material is either preliminary or close to ready.··The list will be expanded to include proposed labs after the first three labs are available.
PE Kit Labs
PE Kit Tools
Andy Lindsay
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 8/24/2010 6:26:42 PM GMT
This page is a collection of links to Propeller Education Kit labs and discussions.· Please post replies to the individual discussions.· Also, please contact me if there's a discussion that needs a link here.
Propeller Education Kit - 40 Pin DIP Version
Propeller Education Kit - PropStick USB Version
The list below is just labs where material is either preliminary or close to ready.··The list will be expanded to include proposed labs after the first three labs are available.
PE Kit Labs
Propeller Education Kit Labs - Fundamentals (Book)
Full Text (.pdf)···· Source Code (.zip)···· Discussion
Includes the latest version of the listed·in this section plus introductory material and updated source code.·
Full Text (.pdf)···· Source Code (.zip)···· Discussion
Includes the latest version of the listed·in this section plus introductory material and updated source code.·
PE Kit Tools
Propeller <-> PC Terminal Communication·-·Updated·(1/25/09)
Download·· Discussion·
The Parallax Serial Terminal is a useful tool for testing code and displaying messages that include status indicators, variable values, I/O pin states and more.· It is also useful for sending messages that choose between different options or set variable values.· This article introduces the Parallax Serial Terminal software and its accompanying object for exchanging information between your PC and the Propeller chip.
Debug LITE for the Parallax Serial Terminal·-··Updated·(1/25/09)
Download·· Discussion·
The PST Debug LITEobject is a simple and convenient tool for debugging Spin code with the Parallax Serial Terminal.· Figure 1 shows an example debug display, paused at a breakpoint during a debugging session.· The display features I/O pin directions and states next to a list of variables and their values.· There’s also a message at the bottom prompting to press Enter to continue from the breakpoint.·
Measure Resistance and Capacitance -·Updated (2/2/10)
Download·· Discussion····
Propeller microcontroller applications that need to measure resistors or capacitors can use the MeasureTime object and a resistor capacitor (RC) circuit to determine their values.· Since there’s a myriad of sensors whose resistances or capacitances respond to physical properties such as light, rotation, humidity and pressure (to name a few), the simple, inexpensive circuits and easy-to-use object featured in this PE Kit Tools article opens up a whole world of measurement possibilities.
Transmit Square Wave Frequencies
Download·· Discussion·
Each Propeller microcontroller cog can configure either or both of its counter modules for transmitting square waves in the background.· This approach is especially useful since it allows the Spin code to move on to other tasks while the counter module transmits the square wave.· The SquareWave object has methods that reduce all the counter module configuration legwork to a few simple method calls.· These methods can configure a given cog’s counter module(s) to transmit either single-ended or differential square waves at integer frequencies up to 128 MHz.·
EEPROM Datalogging
Download ··Discussion
HyperTerminal application for testing the Propeller Eeprom object’s VarBackup, VarRestore, FromRam, and ToRam methods.· It allows you define values stored by selected array elements and then copy the array from main RAM to EEPROM and visa versa.
Servo Control
Download ··Discussion
This application of the Counter Modules and Circuit Applications lab can be used to precisely control up to 14 servos in a separate cog.· All objects written in spin.
Coming Soon
· Measure:
···· - Pulses
···· -·Duty Cycle
···· - A/D Conversion
· Generate:
···· - Square Waves
···· - D/A Conversion
Download·· Discussion·
The Parallax Serial Terminal is a useful tool for testing code and displaying messages that include status indicators, variable values, I/O pin states and more.· It is also useful for sending messages that choose between different options or set variable values.· This article introduces the Parallax Serial Terminal software and its accompanying object for exchanging information between your PC and the Propeller chip.
Debug LITE for the Parallax Serial Terminal·-··Updated·(1/25/09)
Download·· Discussion·
The PST Debug LITEobject is a simple and convenient tool for debugging Spin code with the Parallax Serial Terminal.· Figure 1 shows an example debug display, paused at a breakpoint during a debugging session.· The display features I/O pin directions and states next to a list of variables and their values.· There’s also a message at the bottom prompting to press Enter to continue from the breakpoint.·
Measure Resistance and Capacitance -·Updated (2/2/10)
Download·· Discussion····
Propeller microcontroller applications that need to measure resistors or capacitors can use the MeasureTime object and a resistor capacitor (RC) circuit to determine their values.· Since there’s a myriad of sensors whose resistances or capacitances respond to physical properties such as light, rotation, humidity and pressure (to name a few), the simple, inexpensive circuits and easy-to-use object featured in this PE Kit Tools article opens up a whole world of measurement possibilities.
Transmit Square Wave Frequencies
Download·· Discussion·
Each Propeller microcontroller cog can configure either or both of its counter modules for transmitting square waves in the background.· This approach is especially useful since it allows the Spin code to move on to other tasks while the counter module transmits the square wave.· The SquareWave object has methods that reduce all the counter module configuration legwork to a few simple method calls.· These methods can configure a given cog’s counter module(s) to transmit either single-ended or differential square waves at integer frequencies up to 128 MHz.·
EEPROM Datalogging
Download ··Discussion
HyperTerminal application for testing the Propeller Eeprom object’s VarBackup, VarRestore, FromRam, and ToRam methods.· It allows you define values stored by selected array elements and then copy the array from main RAM to EEPROM and visa versa.
Servo Control
Download ··Discussion
This application of the Counter Modules and Circuit Applications lab can be used to precisely control up to 14 servos in a separate cog.· All objects written in spin.
Coming Soon
· Measure:
···· - Pulses
···· -·Duty Cycle
···· - A/D Conversion
· Generate:
···· - Square Waves
···· - D/A Conversion
Propeller + PC Applications with ViewPort
Download·· Discussion·- Logic Analyzer & Oscilloscope
Download·· Discussion·- Oscilloscope & Spectrum Analyzer
Download·· Discussion·- Debugger·-··New (5/3/09)
ViewPort is a graphical user interface (GUI) developed by Hanno Sander for use with the Propeller Microcontroller at run time.· It utilizes the Propeller chip’s multiple processor design by devoting one of its processors (cogs) to provide an information conduit between the Propeller and ViewPort running on a PC.· This information conduit is typically high speed serial over USB with communication at speeds up to 2 Mbps.· This high speed communication, and in some cases judicious use of other cogs, makes a variety of applications possible.· Examples include incorporating digital signal analyzer, digital storage oscilloscope, and spectrum analyzer into your project.
Propeller + PC Applications with LabVIEW
Download·· Discussion
LabVIEW is a software development environment created by National Instruments that makes it possible to write programs that interface computers with measurement and control instruments using a graphical programming language.· We have received several requests from universities for resources that demonstrate communication between LabVIEW software and the Propeller microcontroller.· The purpose of these resources is to help launch student projects where the lab PCs are equipped with LabVIEW, and the students create custom data acquisition and control devices with the Propeller Education (PE) Kit.
Download·· Discussion·- Logic Analyzer & Oscilloscope
Download·· Discussion·- Oscilloscope & Spectrum Analyzer
Download·· Discussion·- Debugger·-··New (5/3/09)
ViewPort is a graphical user interface (GUI) developed by Hanno Sander for use with the Propeller Microcontroller at run time.· It utilizes the Propeller chip’s multiple processor design by devoting one of its processors (cogs) to provide an information conduit between the Propeller and ViewPort running on a PC.· This information conduit is typically high speed serial over USB with communication at speeds up to 2 Mbps.· This high speed communication, and in some cases judicious use of other cogs, makes a variety of applications possible.· Examples include incorporating digital signal analyzer, digital storage oscilloscope, and spectrum analyzer into your project.
Propeller + PC Applications with LabVIEW
Download·· Discussion
LabVIEW is a software development environment created by National Instruments that makes it possible to write programs that interface computers with measurement and control instruments using a graphical programming language.· We have received several requests from universities for resources that demonstrate communication between LabVIEW software and the Propeller microcontroller.· The purpose of these resources is to help launch student projects where the lab PCs are equipped with LabVIEW, and the students create custom data acquisition and control devices with the Propeller Education (PE) Kit.
Clip·· Download·· Discussion·· (Status)
A PE Platform mounted on a Boe-Bot robot chassis.· The clip compares a Boe-Bot following an object using infrared distance detection and proportional control, vs. a PEKbot following the same object using the same detection scheme and PID control.··Use the download link to·get the latest PEKbot PID IR following code.·
Clip·· Download·· Discussion·· (Status)
A PE Platform mounted on a Boe-Bot robot chassis.· The clip compares a Boe-Bot following an object using infrared distance detection and proportional control, vs. a PEKbot following the same object using the same detection scheme and PID control.··Use the download link to·get the latest PEKbot PID IR following code.·
Lab Name
Download· ·Discussion·· (Status)
Download· ·Discussion·· (Status)
Andy Lindsay
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 8/24/2010 6:26:42 PM GMT
This discussion has been closed.
There's more information about the counter modules in the PE Kit Labs book. See first post for link to PDF under the "Propeller Education Kit Labs - Fundamentals (Book)" heading.
Currently your best bet for waitpeq and bytefill would be to try the example programs in the Propeller Manual, which is available from the Propeller Downloads Page .
PELabsFunBook-v1.1.pdf: page 44 figure 4.1: "LED Pushbutton Schematic."
There is the potential for confusion in the terminology of pin names.
For example, the bottom-most LED is marked to to P9.
That could be interpreted as:
Pin 9 of the PropStick (= Vss pin of the Prop chip)
Pin 9 of the Prop chip (= pin 14 of the PropStick)
When examining the code the answer is clear, but for those new to the Prop, a clarification note would be good in the text.
But the displays shows different results. (Figure 1. Parallax Serial Terminal Debugging Session)
Even though I click on the serial terminal transmit windowpane the text Parallel Serial Terminal Debug-LITE and the structure of the IC P8X32 is not shown.
1-> <-1 dT 8000000
1-> <-0 index = 24
1-> <-1 array[0] = 100
1-> <-0 array[1] = 84
0<- <-0 array[2] = 92
0<- <-0 myVal = 126
0<- <-0 a = 10
1<- <-0 b = 20
c = 30
retVal = 128
i = 3
wa = 30
1<- <-0 wb[0] = 24
What goes wrong?
You might want to move or re-ask your question in the Propeller Main Forum you posted here in this Sticky Thread, not many people will see it here. More experienced members could help you troubleshoot if they see your question.(click on Post New Thread in the Main Forum "Propeller Chip")