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SD Data Logger

Bill ChennaultBill Chennault Posts: 1,198
edited 2006-11-23 07:32 in BASIC Stamp

The SD Data Logger was dirt simple to hook up to the BOE Rev. C.

I downloaded your file "Demo Text.BS2", changed the extension of the Stamp directive to "BS2px", moved the BOE power switch to the "2" position and watched the SD Data Logger LED blink briefly red, and watched as the IDE scanned and found the Stamp and launched the program.

The Debug window said this, "NO RESPONSE FROM DATA LOGGER."
What have I done wrong?

My BOE jumper is set to VDD.

The BOE is running via·the USB port on my tablet PC with power supplied by the Parallax wall transformer. All other (extremely simple) programs from "WAM" have worked.


You are what you write.


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-11-22 18:35
    Do you have the logger connected to the correct BS2px pin ? I think the demos use pin 15.


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
    SX-Video Display Modules
    Stuff I'm selling on ebay

    "People who are willing to trade their freedom for·security deserve neither and will lose both." Benjamin Franklin
  • Bill ChennaultBill Chennault Posts: 1,198
    edited 2006-11-22 18:47
    Bean--(ha! I posted this before I read your post, above!)

    BUT, when I changed SPin from PIN 15 to PIN 14 this is what I got in the DEBUG window . . .

    Pacing result=30
    CLOSE result=5
    File Size = 0:0
    Appending 1· 0
    Appending 2· 0
    Appending 3· 0
    Appending 4· 0
    Appending 5· 0
    Appending 6· 0
    Appending 7· 0
    Appending 8· 0
    Appending 9· 0
    Appending 10· 0
    Appending 11· 0
    Appending 12· 0
    Appending 13· 0
    Appending 14· 0
    Appending 15· 0
    Appending 16· 0
    Appending 17· 0
    Appending 18· 0
    Appending 19· 0
    Appending 20· 0
    Appending 21· 0
    Appending 22· 0
    Appending 23· 0
    Appending 24· 0
    Appending 25· 0
    Appending 26· 0
    Appending 27· 0
    Appending 28· 0
    Appending 29· 0
    Appending 30· 0
    Appending 31· 0
    Appending 32· 0
    Appending 33· 0
    Appending 34· 0
    Appending 35· 0
    Appending 36· 0
    Appending 37· 0
    Appending 38· 0
    Appending 39· 0
    Appending 40· 0
    Appending 41· 0
    Appending 42· 0
    Appending 43· 0
    Appending 44· 0
    Appending 45· 0
    Appending 46· 0
    Appending 47· 0
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    Appending 49· 0
    Appending 50· 0
    Appending 51· 0
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    Appending 78· 0
    Appending 79· 0
    Appending 80· 0
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    Appending 83· 0
    Appending 84· 0
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    Appending 86· 0
    Appending 87· 0
    Appending 88· 0
    Appending 89· 0
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    Appending 93· 0
    Appending 94· 0
    Appending 95· 0
    Appending 96· 0
    Appending 97· 0
    Appending 98· 0
    Appending 99· 0
    Appending 100· 0
    File Size = 992:0
    Waiting for GP result...0
    Read 1· Value=1
    ·Result = 0
    Read 2· Value=2
    ·Result = 0
    Read 3· Value=3
    ·Result = 0
    Read 4· Value=4
    ·Result = 0
    Read 5· Value=5
    ·Result = 0
    Read 6· Value=6
    ·Result = 0
    Read 7· Value=7
    ·Result = 0
    Read 8· Value=8
    ·Result = 0
    Read 9· Value=9
    ·Result = 0
    Read 10· Value=10
    ·Result = 0
    Read 11· Value=11
    ·Result = 0
    Read 12· Value=12
    ·Result = 0
    Read 13· Value=13
    ·Result = 0
    Read 14· Value=14
    ·Result = 0
    Read 15· Value=15
    ·Result = 0
    Read 16· Value=16
    ·Result = 0
    Read 17· Value=17
    ·Result = 0
    Read 18· Value=18
    ·Result = 0
    Read 19· Value=19
    ·Result = 0
    Read 20· Value=20
    ·Result = 0
    Read 21· Value=21
    ·Result = 0
    Read 22· Value=22
    ·Result = 0
    Read 23· Value=23
    ·Result = 0
    Read 24· Value=24
    ·Result = 0
    Read 25· Value=25
    ·Result = 0
    Read 26· Value=26
    ·Result = 0
    Read 27· Value=27
    ·Result = 0
    Read 28· Value=28
    ·Result = 0
    Read 29· Value=29
    ·Result = 0
    Read 30· Value=30
    ·Result = 0
    Read 31· Value=31
    ·Result = 0
    Read 32· Value=32
    ·Result = 0
    Read 33· Value=33
    ·Result = 0
    Read 34· Value=34
    ·Result = 0
    Read 35· Value=35
    ·Result = 0
    Read 36· Value=36
    ·Result = 0
    Read 37· Value=37
    ·Result = 0
    Read 38· Value=38
    ·Result = 0
    Read 39· Value=39
    ·Result = 0
    Read 40· Value=40
    ·Result = 0
    Read 41· Value=41
    ·Result = 0
    Read 42· Value=42
    ·Result = 0
    Read 43· Value=43
    ·Result = 0
    Read 44· Value=44
    ·Result = 0
    Read 45· Value=45
    ·Result = 0
    Read 46· Value=46
    ·Result = 0
    Read 47· Value=47
    ·Result = 0
    Read 48· Value=48
    ·Result = 0
    Read 49· Value=49
    ·Result = 0
    Read 50· Value=50
    ·Result = 0
    Read 51· Value=51
    ·Result = 0
    Read 52· Value=52
    ·Result = 0
    Read 53· Value=53
    ·Result = 0
    Read 54· Value=54
    ·Result = 0
    Read 55· Value=55
    ·Result = 0
    Read 56· Value=56
    ·Result = 0
    Read 57· Value=57
    ·Result = 0
    Read 58· Value=58
    ·Result = 0
    Read 59· Value=59
    ·Result = 0
    Read 60· Value=60
    ·Result = 0
    Read 61· Value=61
    ·Result = 0
    Read 62· Value=62
    ·Result = 0
    Read 63· Value=63
    ·Result = 0
    Read 64· Value=64
    ·Result = 0
    Read 65· Value=65
    ·Result = 0
    Read 66· Value=66
    ·Result = 0
    Read 67· Value=67
    ·Result = 0
    Read 68· Value=68
    ·Result = 0
    Read 69· Value=69
    ·Result = 0
    Read 70· Value=70
    ·Result = 0
    Read 71· Value=71
    ·Result = 0
    Read 72· Value=72
    ·Result = 0
    Read 73· Value=73
    ·Result = 0
    Read 74· Value=74
    ·Result = 0
    Read 75· Value=75
    ·Result = 0
    Read 76· Value=76
    ·Result = 0
    Read 77· Value=77
    ·Result = 0
    Read 78· Value=78
    ·Result = 0
    Read 79· Value=79
    ·Result = 0
    Read 80· Value=80
    ·Result = 0
    Read 81· Value=81
    ·Result = 0
    Read 82· Value=82
    ·Result = 0
    Read 83· Value=83
    ·Result = 0
    Read 84· Value=84
    ·Result = 0
    Read 85· Value=85
    ·Result = 0
    Read 86· Value=86
    ·Result = 0
    Read 87· Value=87
    ·Result = 0
    Read 88· Value=88
    ·Result = 0
    Read 89· Value=89
    ·Result = 0
    Read 90· Value=90
    ·Result = 0
    Read 91· Value=91
    ·Result = 0
    Read 92· Value=92
    ·Result = 0
    Read 93· Value=93
    ·Result = 0
    Read 94· Value=94
    ·Result = 0
    Read 95· Value=95
    ·Result = 0
    Read 96· Value=96
    ·Result = 0
    Read 97· Value=97
    ·Result = 0
    Read 98· Value=98
    ·Result = 0
    Read 99· Value=99
    ·Result = 0
    Read 100· Value=100
    ·Result = 7
    File Size = 992:0
    CLOSE result=0

    I am not too sure what it did other than . . . something! [noparse]:)[/noparse]


    You are what you write.

    Post Edited (Bill Chennault) : 11/22/2006 6:53:03 PM GMT
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-11-22 18:52
    That is what the demo does.

    It wrote the lines "Value=xx" to the file on the SD Card.
    Then it read them back again.

    If you put the SD card in a PC you can open the file you will see the text.

    What is it you want to store on the SD card ?


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
    SX-Video Display Modules
    Stuff I'm selling on ebay

    "People who are willing to trade their freedom for·security deserve neither and will lose both." Benjamin Franklin
  • Bill ChennaultBill Chennault Posts: 1,198
    edited 2006-11-22 19:02

    Re: "What is it you want to store on the SD card?"

    Gee. I don't know exactly. I bought it for the original purpose of storing sensor positions, which I can store as simply numbers from 0 - 255. However, while I am becoming familiar with the microcontroller environment, I imagine I will store many different types of data on it; or will I? (By the way, this little machine is a dream come true as far as storing sensor positions is concerned!)

    Another question, if you please: When you said, "Do you have the logger connected to the correct BS2px pin ? I think the demos use pin 15." did you mean physically? (Impossible, I think.) You must have meant logically via the program.

    Thank you very much for the immediate response. I'll buy more stuff . . . some of it will without a doubt be more SD Data Loggers.


    You are what you write.
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-11-22 20:31
    I asked because you can store two different types of data. Binary or text.

    Binary data is stored as values (byte or word), works much faster than text, can be indexed quite easily.

    Text data is stored as ascii characters, works slower than binary, can be variable length, can be read by PC easily.

    If you are storing sensor positions that you want to read by a PC, then I would use text. If the data will only be read by the stamp, then binary is much faster.


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
    SX-Video Display Modules
    Stuff I'm selling on ebay

    "People who are willing to trade their freedom for·security deserve neither and will lose both." Benjamin Franklin
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,662
    edited 2006-11-23 07:32
    I agree about storing the data as text for reading as a text file by a PC. I usually store up a record consisting of several fields of sensor data as binary data in a scratchpad ram buffer, and then at the logging interval, the program transfers the contents of that buffer as tab & CRLF delimited text records onto the SD card. Each field has a format specifier for the translation, to put the decimal point in the right place and so on. Then on the PC it can open right up as an Excel file without any further conversion or parsing. There is plenty of room on the 32 meg card!

    Tracy Allen
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