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Corrupt packet error [Error IDE 0010] — Parallax Forums

Corrupt packet error [Error IDE 0010]

Scott CScott C Posts: 12
edited 2006-12-18 16:40 in General Discussion
I just started getting this error last night from the IDE which i cant
figure out how to fix. When i try to upload my code to the stamp it
says the following:

[noparse][[/noparse]Debug] Discarding Packet
[noparse][[/noparse]Error IDE-0010] Error communicating over the serial port (corrupt
packet $00]

The strange thing is it was working great most of the night and the IDE
just started throwing this error pretty much out of the blue, and now
the IDE wont upload code at all. Anyone else seen this and/or know how
to clear it out?



  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2006-11-21 21:16

    ·· Have you restarted the IDE?· Can you identify the Javelin from within the IDE?· How far through the upload does it get before you get that error?· How big is the program?· Small, medium, large?· Thanks.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Scott CScott C Posts: 12
    edited 2006-11-22 02:49
    Yes. i Restarted the IDE multiple times, rebooted my machine, tried all the USB plugs my machine has. I have tried uploading several files of various sizes and they all return the same error. The error gets throws when the IDE is trying to reset javelin and it no longer sees the firmware version of javelin. I have also tried doing an upload via JavelinDirect and that throws the same errors out to the command line as the IDE did.

    The really odd thing is that the program i was working on is still on the stamp and seems to run just fine when i switch on the power or hit reset, i just cant upload anymore. Is there any way to just clear the eprom entirely with like a hard reset and start over or something?
  • Scott CScott C Posts: 12
    edited 2006-11-22 02:53
    let me correct one thing. When i tested for the javelin version from the IDE, it gets the version number ($50), but not the device name. The device name is blank, and i think before it said Javelin.
  • Scott CScott C Posts: 12
    edited 2006-11-27 19:46
    I did more testing this weekend and i think i have narrowed down where the problem is. I know that my computer is setup correctly and has the right drivers because i can upload code to my 2 sumo bots no problem. I also tested on a second machine and got the same results. I am fairly certain the stamp is ok because it continues to run the last program i was able to send to it before this problem started. So unless there is something i am missing somewhere, i think that just leaves the onboard usb as the only place where the problem could be. I dont have the technical know how yet to bust out my multimeter and start testing the circuits so i could say for sure where the problem is, but it seems logical to me that the only place it could be is somewhere between the usb plug on the BOE and the stamp.

    Chris, does this seems logic/sane to you and if so is there a fix for it?
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2006-11-28 02:55

    This is being looked into…I think it’s more likely a timing issue, but yes, related to the USB connection.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Scott CScott C Posts: 12
    edited 2006-12-02 03:42
    So whats the story here Chris? Its been 3 or 4 days and no word.
  • Scott CScott C Posts: 12
    edited 2006-12-12 16:57
    Ok Chris.... its now been two full weeks with no response from you or anyone else at parallax about my faulty hardware. This is some pretty horrible customer service on your part,·meanwhile i am still sitting here with broken hardware.
    Well...I got tired of waiting on you guys to get your act together and i ordered and new BOE to replace the faulty one. Lo and behold IT WORKS PERFECTLY in the exact same setup as the faulty one! That pretty much confirms what i have been trying to tell you. Something with the USB on my first BOE is fried. Now are you guys gonna do the right thing and replace·the board·or are you guys just gonna continue ignoring me and hope i just go away. This is actually the second time you guys have done this to me, as we went around this exact track with a fried LCD appmod you guys sent me. You told even·me it was a "timing issue" on that too (convinent excuse?) and then i didnt hear from you for weeks. So, needless to say i am fed up and i just want the stuff i paid for to work. Dont think that is too much to ask for. So, you guys gonna step up and do the right thing and either refund or replace the faulty hardware or you are gonna just keep pretending i dont exist?
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2006-12-12 20:07
    ·· I sent you an e-mail requesting your customer information to issue you and RMA number and I never got a reply.· Apparently there has been some missed communication here and when I didn’t hear back form you I thought you solved your problems using the original advice given.· I assure you we’re not avoiding you.· If you have purchased a replacement USB BOE and everything’s working then by all means, click on my e-mail address to the left, send me your customer number and information from your purchase and I will see that you are credited for the other BOE.· You won’t even have to send it back.· Please send an e-mail direct to me.· Thanks.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • Scott CScott C Posts: 12
    edited 2006-12-15 16:25
    finally! thank you!

    Both the LCD and the BOE can as part of a kit from crustcrawler that my girlfriend bought me for my birthday, so i will need her to get you that info. Is there any problems with that?
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2006-12-18 16:40
    ·· No problems…If I can verify the information we can issue the credit.· Take care.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
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