A super cap is simply a capacitor that has a large "capacity", in the order of 1 or more farads. A search on google will return a few of these.
You can find them on eBay as well.
If you use large value caps "super caps", I would expect the resting voltage on these caps could get pretty high. Do you have to worry about this voltage exceeding the max allowable voltage of the IC pin it is attached to?
The voltage of a cap will never be higher than the highest voltage of the bus the cap is on, at least in a super cap battery backup replacement application. If you have good regulation when powered, it should be a non-issue.
PS. Of course, the quantity of power in the cap could mean it could really fry a component failing in a conductive state, but that's amperage, not voltage. Yours, TDP
There's a fine line between batteries and capacitors.· You can think of a capacitor as a battery that doesn't hold a charge for very long, but charges much·quicker than a battery; or a battery as being a capacitor that holds a charge for a long time indeed.· There are similarities in the construction of electrolytics and batteries, too.
I believe that capacitors keep their charge for a long time. I haven't tested it, though. I could always open that old TV and see if the caps still hold charges [noparse]:)[/noparse]
KatyBri, the capacitor will hold the voltage at the level you charged it...
It's times like these where a line from Kipling's "If" comes to mind.· But, anyway, a·capacitor's (or a super cap's) charge doesn't have anywhere near the shelf life of a battery's... 'nuff said.
A super cap is simply a capacitor that has a large "capacity", in the order of 1 or more farads. A search on google will return a few of these.
You can find them on eBay as well.
If you use large value caps "super caps", I would expect the resting voltage on these caps could get pretty high. Do you have to worry about this voltage exceeding the max allowable voltage of the IC pin it is attached to?
The voltage of a cap will never be higher than the highest voltage of the bus the cap is on, at least in a super cap battery backup replacement application. If you have good regulation when powered, it should be a non-issue.
Yours, Tom P
KatyBri, the capacitor will hold the voltage at the level you charged it...
...just to make sure you can tell us about it. ;^)
Yours, TDP