Looking to hire a tutor / mentor for Newbie with ADD!
Posts: 19
Hi Forum,
I am looking or a “tutor” or “mentor” to help jump start my studies of Microcontrollers, and the BASIC2 specifically.· Ideally, I would start by prepaying for an hour or two of your time, which I could them tap into, in small increments -- ·at your convenience of course - to answer my basic, and not so basic questions regarding the BASIC stamp and electronics in general.
I recently taught myself to weld, and benefited greatly by a couple of hours of consultation / instruction time I hired from a skilled welder.· I think I paid about $40/hour and used about three hours in total, but it was money well spent!· The rest, of course, I learned from books and videos and practice – now I can weld.·
Having a skilled resource that I can ask questions in real time regarding this new field of controllers works best for my brain to learn.· I am reading all the stuff I can, but I really need a skilled human to talk to about this stuff.
I am reading and experimenting on my own as aggressively as I can, but the answers to questions I have from a truly skilled and talented BASIC2 expert would help me leaps in bounds in the beginning of my journey. I finished "What's a Microcontroller?" and I am left with many more questions than answers.
I am a skilled computer programmer, and I know a little about electronics, physics and·mechanics, but I would love to talk with a talented electronics guy who knows the “whys” -- not just the “hows” about electronics.·
I am looking for a creative, funny, articulate and accomplished microcontroller guy who understands this stuff in his gut, and can hold a conversation about this stuff without sounding like like a crew member from Star Trek.
Since this is strictly hobby for me, I can not afford to spend too much per hour – I don’t know what is fair.· While it would be great to find someone in the Providence RI area, I think it does not really matter, as I will pay for any phone calls made, and even email can be a form of communication.
Sure, you won’t get rich from this, but you would be doing me a favor by helping me jump start my goals with micro processors and electronics.· I am a pretty funny guy, with lots of energy and enthusiasm and a great sense of sarcasm. I am a fast study.
If you are bright, have a great sense of humor, and truly know a lot about electronics and the BASIC STAMP and can explain it to an apprentice – then you are my guy.
Please let me know either here or via a private message how much you would charge, your availability and interest in making a few bucks while helping out a newbie.
Expert in many fields, dumb as a stump with STAMP
I am looking or a “tutor” or “mentor” to help jump start my studies of Microcontrollers, and the BASIC2 specifically.· Ideally, I would start by prepaying for an hour or two of your time, which I could them tap into, in small increments -- ·at your convenience of course - to answer my basic, and not so basic questions regarding the BASIC stamp and electronics in general.
I recently taught myself to weld, and benefited greatly by a couple of hours of consultation / instruction time I hired from a skilled welder.· I think I paid about $40/hour and used about three hours in total, but it was money well spent!· The rest, of course, I learned from books and videos and practice – now I can weld.·
Having a skilled resource that I can ask questions in real time regarding this new field of controllers works best for my brain to learn.· I am reading all the stuff I can, but I really need a skilled human to talk to about this stuff.
I am reading and experimenting on my own as aggressively as I can, but the answers to questions I have from a truly skilled and talented BASIC2 expert would help me leaps in bounds in the beginning of my journey. I finished "What's a Microcontroller?" and I am left with many more questions than answers.
I am a skilled computer programmer, and I know a little about electronics, physics and·mechanics, but I would love to talk with a talented electronics guy who knows the “whys” -- not just the “hows” about electronics.·
I am looking for a creative, funny, articulate and accomplished microcontroller guy who understands this stuff in his gut, and can hold a conversation about this stuff without sounding like like a crew member from Star Trek.
Since this is strictly hobby for me, I can not afford to spend too much per hour – I don’t know what is fair.· While it would be great to find someone in the Providence RI area, I think it does not really matter, as I will pay for any phone calls made, and even email can be a form of communication.
Sure, you won’t get rich from this, but you would be doing me a favor by helping me jump start my goals with micro processors and electronics.· I am a pretty funny guy, with lots of energy and enthusiasm and a great sense of sarcasm. I am a fast study.
If you are bright, have a great sense of humor, and truly know a lot about electronics and the BASIC STAMP and can explain it to an apprentice – then you are my guy.
Please let me know either here or via a private message how much you would charge, your availability and interest in making a few bucks while helping out a newbie.
Expert in many fields, dumb as a stump with STAMP
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
And I doubt you really need to pay anyone to have your questions answered....that's what this forum is for!
If you have a question about something, ask it....my only tip is to give the detail the 'answerer' needs to put you on the right road!
However, it is difficult to read a practical answer sometimes....but there's a wealth of experience posting on this message board so I'd suggest giving that a proper try.
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
I a member of many forums, and this one seems to be a hoping, and a super nice place.· The reason I am reluctent to simply ask my questions to the forum as a whole is that I am sure some of this stuff is so basic, many of the answers·could be gathered if enough time were spent crawling through hundreds of pages of posts, looking for only the small nugget of information I need to get me back on my way.· Also, I can acomplish an awful lot from a 10 minute phone call, allowing "full duplex", with "dynamic interupt" proprties.··In other words, in Email, as cool as it is, I can not interupt the speaker and say, "Excuse me, but what do you mean by a "pre-phase-envronment-inverted coupling diode".
Bottom line is if I have a few, concrete, and specific questions, I would post them.· I am finding I have 10 wild, vague questions that I phone call with a guru could set me straight.· I would prefere to pay, even a small amount, because I·beleive it it sets up a professional and respectful relationship between the tutor and student.
Also, I do prefer several quick phone calls over the course of a week or two, and I respsect that this is an inconvience - even to someone who still may live in his mother's basment and need only press pause on the remote control to take my call.· [noparse];)[/noparse]
I am an ASP, SQL dadabase expert, if I dare say so myself.· I can always barter if exchaning money is in bad taste.· Bottom line, I just need a human to ask a bunch of questions, probably on a few different occasions - to jumnp start my exploration.
Expert in many fields, dumb as a stump with STAMP
Perhaps you have had a bad experience at other forums that gave curt answers like "do a search" or "that was answered yesterday look it up"
Typically you wont find that here especially for basic questions, what you will find is specific links to the information that has detail on the subject matter you have asked about or direct answers. Sometimes the poster has not even gotten to see his post after he posts it and a follow up post with an answer is waiting.
I say go ahead and toss a list of questions in the pot just to see what happens, My education is from the school of hard knocks but I have yet to post a question on this forum or two others that deal with another brand of microprocessor and not receive an answer. Some questions like the I2C code I posted in the Projects section, went back and forth with one guy at avrfreaks and I just about gave up when he pushed me to continue and the final problem was solved (one last low signal needed to be sent).
Actually you would be helping us out asking questions because I think there are more answers than questions most of the time.
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Think outside the BOX!
As an experienced "Forum dude", -- though new to this one, I just thought it would be rude to list a barrage of obvious and potentially stupid questions ·when I am sure many of them are answered in the first chapter of a basic electronics class book from 1929. ·
I am a working father, with a degree in Psychology, and going to school for electronics is simply not going to happen.
I guess I have to say thanks again for making me feel so welcome here.·
As no good deed goes unpunished, I will call your bluff, and write a lengthy, itemized email of my current (pun intended) questions. ·I hope I don’t get to much resistance (pun intended) or at worst, risk the potential of being ungrounded and positively reVOLTing.
The problem is you may have to answer me in small, mono-syllabic words, as I know just what I have learned from aggressively and enthusiastically completing the “What’s A Microcontroller?” book – a book of skill level 3 out of 10 – for high school kids.
Let me write up some questions. ·In the mean time, if anyone wants to take a few of my hard earned, American dollars for some one on one, geek talk, send me a PM and I won’t tell the others you are a closet capitalist!
Thanks again guys!
Expert in many fields, dumb as a stump with STAMP
·· You’re more than welcome to post questions to the forums even if they have been asked before.· If they’re common we’ll link you to a previous thread.· Just try to make sure you post in the correct forum.· If you aren’t sure, the Sandbox is always on topic.· Now, one other suggestion I might make if you can find someone is that perhaps you could establish a real-time chat using Windows (MSN) Messenger, AIM, Yahoo Messenger or ICQ.· Windows Messenger supports voice, video and even the ability to share a program, so you could have someone show you stuff right in the BASIC Stamp Editor or other application, even if you don’t have it.· AIM and Yahoo also support voice.· This may open more channels for you since not everyone will want to share their phone number or call long distance.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
You'll find some folks come on...ask their question....and then are gone.
If you do good by us....the do good for someone else! Pass it forward as they say!
Besides, what makes you think your questions are only going to benefit you? There are newbies on here everyday learning things....posting your questions might allow them to learn something they may not have thought of!
OH....other than posting in the right forum....PLEASE use an appropriate subject heading....this will get the right people looking at your post!
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
You obviously haven't seen my posts! lol!
The support on this Forum and Parallax is incredible. The range of experience is quite vast, and the members are quite patient, and quite frankly, this forum is very addicting.
Keep your money for components, test equipment and cool Parallax stuff. As I said in another forum, this is "on the house".
As I've quoted in another post, as other users have had similar requests. Baby steps...
Post Edited (Yendor) : 11/20/2006 7:51:20 PM GMT