measurements for the toddler
Does parallax have any measurements for the toddler? i am thinking about ·custom building one, for my self.i will not release these drawling to anyone. I do have access ·to a CNC and lathe
Equipped with his 5 senses, man explores the world around and calls his adventure science
-Edwin Hubble
Post Edited (superworms) : 11/19/2006 2:44:52 AM GMT
Equipped with his 5 senses, man explores the world around and calls his adventure science
-Edwin Hubble
Post Edited (superworms) : 11/19/2006 2:44:52 AM GMT
Yes, we have specific measurements that I can provide you. But you need to know that a CNC lathe and CNC mill won't make a Toddler easily - it's designed around hard tooling and the use of a CNC punch. The body is a folded metal box. Even trying to fold one without the best brake available to you would be very difficult. You could spend a lot of time and money trying to make one.
But before you go that way, why not build a Penguin instead? That design is made to be built in low quantity on a CNC lathe and mill. Aside from those tools and some drills and taps, you'd be set. The drawings are also on our web site at In fact, you could scale the dimensions up proportionally and make a Toddler from those drawings. It would work fantastic, probably better than our production Toddler due to machine precision milling.
So, decide what way you want to go and I'll help you by providing the right drawings.
Ken Gracey