RFID Dorm Lock
Although my projects are never "finished" this one is fully operational, so it's completed enough to be here. The RFID door lock makes getting in our room much simpler, now instead of putting in the key, turning it, turning it back, and pulling it out, we simply hold our card to the door and it unlocks! The trickiest part of this project was of course the lack of tools in a dorm room and lack of supplies. The servo is held on with sticky wax, a paper clip is used for the linkage, duct tape is another material used, and the whole thing is mounted on a scrap 2x4 as not to damage the door. A bs2 runs the program, and a servo turns the lock. I plan on adding a button later (to lock/unlock the door from the inside without a card), a separate lm7805 vreg for the rfid reader (the one on the super carrier board is getting VERY hot, is this normal?) and a relay to power down the servo when not in use. Attached are a few pics and the source code for the program (just a highly modified version of the code provided for the rfid reader)

And yes, those are twisty ties used for some of the wiring.

And yes, those are twisty ties used for some of the wiring.
Nice!... you might want to implement a TIMEOUT in your SERIN routine to conserve power.
Refer to pg 3
"The current consumption of the module will increase dramatically when the module is active."
To implement a TIMEOUT, you might try something like this...
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Awsome job in making things work with what you have available.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
Post Edited (John R.) : 11/16/2006 9:34:31 PM GMT
we'll see how that works, it's kind of a big production to re-program the stamp as it's mounted on the door and no one has a laptop with a serial port. Update on how the "pause" works later tonight
and now it looks cooler because the enable light blinks
Post Edited (billyk) : 11/16/2006 11:29:18 PM GMT
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 11/17/2006 1:25:06 AM GMT
Glad it works!...SO is the regulator still getting "as hot" as before or is it not a noticeable difference?
Paul.... sounds familiar
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Also, you guys need to stop giving me dangerous like homemade arc welders! I don't want to get kicked out of school before I'm even half done with my freshman year!
And our silverware does suck too.
EDIT: Just a question, why is the 2940 used instead of the 7805?
Post Edited (Billy K) : 11/17/2006 6:31:02 AM GMT
··· The LM2940 is a Low-Dropout Regulator.· It’s a little more efficient than a 7805 and less susceptible to thermal runaway.· The regulator on your board is most likely getting hot because of the combined current draw of the RFID and the Servo.· The servo being the more likely culprit.· You shouldn’t need to add an extra regulator.· That would actually end up consuming more current in the long run.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
What is the supply voltage you are powering the RFID Dorm Lock with? That could be the source of most of your heat.
The 2940 is used because it is a low-dropout regulator which will work down to 6 volts.
The 7805 requires more current just to sit there and do nothing than the 2940 does and will only work down to about 7 volts.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
And here's what I plan to build when I get the parts in a week. (Just turning off the servo)
12V dropped to 5V across·a linear regulator is going to need to dissipate 7V in the form of HEAT. If your circuit requires 200mA,
that's 1.4Watts of HEAT that the regulator must deal with·.... P = I * V
Use a power supply that is closer to your operating voltage and the regulator will be much happier.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 11/17/2006 11:19:10 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I do not know if i would of thought of doing it that way
1. A switch that senses when the door is closed. This way, the RFID reader will only be turned on when it is closed, and the servo will only move into a locked position if it is closed.
2. A pushbutton switch on the inside. This will allow us to lock and unlock the door from the inside of the room without a card when the door is closed. If the door is in an open position and the button is pressed, I plan on adding a feature where if the door is closed within 10 seconds, the door automatically locks behind me.
lets see what this does... KA BOOM (note to self do not cross red and black)
Post Edited (boeboy) : 12/23/2006 2:50:39 PM GMT