old PC robotics
I just got this old computer, an HP Vectra XU 6/200 to be exact,
and was wandering if any one had some ideas on what I could do with it.
I would like to to use it for robotics but I can't really think of anything I could use it for.
I know that these old motherboards use up a lot of power but there has to be something.
Any suggestions?
Lord Vader
and was wandering if any one had some ideas on what I could do with it.
I would like to to use it for robotics but I can't really think of anything I could use it for.
I know that these old motherboards use up a lot of power but there has to be something.
Any suggestions?
Lord Vader
Climb to top.· Drop it over edge.· Measure time tilll impact.
Only works once.
There is pic programming software that needs to be run on these old PCs because the voltage produced by the old school Pc are higher and required to burn in code to the chip.
You can use it for that, or the tried and true un-powered, self guided, robot for measuring the height of tall buildings thing.
(Frequently heard from other's)
Tommy, I know it wasn't designed to·x, but can you make it·do x·anyway?
There is always an answer.
There is always a way.
There is always a reason.··· -SciTech02.
Of course, you would have to have a car battery and inverter to power it but I'm sure it doesn't need as much as modern day computers. Just strip it down as much as possible and use a wireless keyboard and mouse.
Post Edited (Randy Evans) : 11/25/2006 3:06:17 PM GMT