How to reset servo conroller?
I tried sample codes for servo controller and it didn't work out too well, I have one servo spinnign around and green light blinking on servo controller, can't make it stop.
How do I reset the controller, so I can start from beginning?
I tried sample codes for servo controller and it didn't work out too well, I have one servo spinnign around and green light blinking on servo controller, can't make it stop.
How do I reset the controller, so I can start from beginning?
If the latter, then post your program to this forum for help. If the former, then slide the slider controlling the spinning servo so as to stop/center it.
It sounds like you are using continuous-rotation servos ("...servo spinning around...)?
' {$STAMP BS2sx}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
Sdat PIN 15
Baud CON 396
buff VAR Byte(3)
DEBUG"Finding PSC", CR
SEROUT Sdat, Baud+$8000, [noparse][[/noparse]"!SCVER",CR]
SERIN Sdat,Baud,500,FindPSC,[noparse][[/noparse]STR buff\3]
DEBUG "PSC ver:", buff(0), buff(1), buff(2), CR
I have Serial version of PSC, is it possible to use interactive program with it?