Animatronic Chimpanzee
·My teacher bought one of these interactive animatronic chimpanzees(see link at bottom) with the ontention of hacking it with a basic stamp board. inside the chimps head are several small dc motors. im still a nobbie and ive only experimented with stamp a little bit, and i don't know how i would control these motors since they aren't continuous rotation. I just need some ideas on how to get started on this project, and what kind of equipment i need. price dosn't matter because the technology program at my school will pay for it. Thanks for any help!
PS. There's another way of hacking it : since it is r/ could try to understand how the orders are transmitted...but this may take too long for you but I find it quite neat
Message Edité (Tibot) : 11/13/2006 7:22:29 PM GMT
-I looked at motor controls and·now my main delima is that we need something that we can control multiple motors and sensors and speakers.
Post Edited (Patonian) : 11/13/2006 7:41:18 PM GMT
There are plenty of controlers...
What kind of motor will you put in the head ?
The controler you need will be (at least) choosed based upon their specifications...
You definitively need a controler to do so.
Look for h-bridge in google.
It's a type of circuit that controls a dc motor. So you need as much as motors you'll use.
You should consider using servos...they are asier to use with BS since they dont require extra circuits. However, they arent cheaper...
To play a pre-recorded msg, you will also need a daughter board, the stamp cant do it.
You might technicaly be able to use the sensors but....I cant be positive since i dont know the product and only read the pdf manual.
Since I wont have all the motors and sensor part to handle, this is also what I would study first...
The sound of the eyes moving suggests they really are Servo controlled. I've not taken one of these things apart, but the BS2 CAN directly control a servo motor. If they are, they'll have three leads -- Power, Ground, and Signal. The RF remote also suggests a 'servo' controller approach.
Note also the thing comes with a 3.5 amp 6-volt DC wall-wart. That's a lot of current, but not a problem. This does mean you'll probably want to use the wall-wart, so you'll want to connect the BS2 'Vss' signal (its 'ground') to the Chimps 'ground' wire -- once you find it. Typical colors are black for DC Ground, Red for DC supply, and white for signal.
Does it strike as odd that we want to fly when we haven't learned to crawl yet? (Cause if "we" could crawl, "we" wouldn't ask the type of questions asked). Maybe not, I still want to fly. I'm just too scared of "sudden anti gravitational syndrome".
Has your teacher already purchased the chimp and torn it apart only to ask the question too late, "what do we do now kids?"
Seriously, it can probably be done with· a little research, but there should be someone on the team with experience. Otherwise, start out with one of Parallax's fine learning products and create an experienced programmer.
(Frequently heard from other's)
Tommy, I know it wasn't designed to·x, but can you make it·do x·anyway?
Post Edited (Tommy Bot) : 11/14/2006 1:28:43 AM GMT
If there are other motors that are real DC motors, then hook an ammeter up between one of the motor leads and the board/circuit that runs it. See what the current is when the motor starts up (stall current = much higher) and then what the current is when the motor is running (continous = lower). This will at least give you some kind of base to start from in picking/building a motor controller.
At that point, you have two options -- purchase an off-the-shelf controller -- there are many, many out there for $99 or less, including some made and distributed by Parallax. A motor controller is a small peripheral board that lets your Stamp send a low current pin signal or data to the board; the board handles the current/speed/direction to the motors themselves.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
Can you trace the leads from the eye motors/servos without disassembling it all? If you've got three wires it's probably a servo; two wires would be a regular motor.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
I like the idea with controling them with the radio controler but how exactly would we do that we have an idea but arent sure?
- send data to the controller to control direction/speed of DC motor (e.g., using SEROUT from the Stamp)
- send RC pulsewidths to the controller to control direction/speed of motor (e.g., you can hook an RC receiver up to the controller OR use PULSOUT from the Stamp to "simulate" RC signals).
A very common setup if you want your Stamp to control the motors PLUS use RC is to hook an RC receiver up to input pins of your Stamp and hook the controller up to output pin(s) of your Stamp. Then you use PULSIN to "read" the receiver and let your PROGRAM decide what to do. For example:
Parallax sells some small current motor controllers (the Motor Minds); there are also LOTS of other vendors selling ready-to-go controllers. Google "robot motor controllers and drivers".
I would still follow my suggestion above about getting real current/voltage requirements for these particular motor -- you don't want to spend $100 on a controller that is way bigger than you need; conversely, you don't want to fry your controller because it's not strong enough.
Is this helpful?
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
The squirrels are after my nuts!!
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
The Chimp will most likely be my next project to hack into and when I get there I'll post all code and videos here and RoboCommunity.
It would be interesting to see the insides of Elvis with also a files saved with your codes, etc. I got interested in the whole robot head thingy with Kismet and I am interested in all things AI.
This is the first of 5 that I have done, on the bottome of the 1st article you'll find other links that goto different threads like code and the other Articles as well but I really enjoy the 5th article as it brings the elvinator charter to a visual completeness now I am working on part 6 which will take it into the computer and start the anamitions for the head, after that the AI program will be installed and then the learning begins for him as he is begining to learn about the world around him and no two will ever be alike if someone shall copy this major hack to the Elvis. This is what I love about AI as it learns from diffrent enviroments it will act and talk diffrently as time goes by..
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
That was a GREAT article. I would like links to more of your stuff.
Oh also the Elvinator Project got second place in an contest and my buddy 4mem8 got 1st with his Wall-E that I'm helping out in the program section inwhich we are using a BS2p40 for the MCU and some other electronics as well.
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..