Need Pinout for Boe-Bot CMUcam
Hello Guys!
I am using Boe-Bot CMUcam for my·robot but I am not using Basic Stamp as the brain of my microcontroller. Instead of Basic Stamp, I am using 68HC11 for my robot. I am trying to find out the pin detail for this "Boe-Bot CMUcam" to interface it serially with my microcontroller. Can any one provide me either schematics or Pin details for Boe-Bot CMUcam.
I am using Boe-Bot CMUcam for my·robot but I am not using Basic Stamp as the brain of my microcontroller. Instead of Basic Stamp, I am using 68HC11 for my robot. I am trying to find out the pin detail for this "Boe-Bot CMUcam" to interface it serially with my microcontroller. Can any one provide me either schematics or Pin details for Boe-Bot CMUcam.

- Rick
Post Edited (RDL2004) : 11/12/2006 1:17:07 PM GMT
But this is layout of CMUcam board and you can see that in my picture, the red board after the camera. I have tried to find out pinouts for Boe-bot CMUcam but no information is available about them. I think no body has ever tried to interface it with other microcontrollers. CMUcam has lot of information on online but not boe-bot cmucam.
Post Edited (greatnauman) : 11/12/2006 8:55:08 PM GMT
It looks like the Appmod board does add some LEDs and buttons and such, but the CMU connections probably just pass straight thru. You don't need the Appmod board to use the CMUcam with other microcontrollers, or even with a BoE-bot.
Here is a CMUcam on a BoE-bot with no appmod board:
- Rick
- Stephen
Where as, page # 2 of the·datasheet at
"With some clever circuitry on the AppMod board the two buttons, eight led’s and one piezo speaker only
require four I/O pins on your Basic Stamp2 thereby conserving I/O pins for other uses."
- Rick
you can see that it is using some other pins as well
for example in this line of the demo program, it is using pin 4 as input and pin 8 as clock and so on.
SHIFTOUT 4,8,MSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]255]
If i start looking at this demo program and try to figure it out the pins it is using, even then i am not sure that whether i am using correct pins or not. And secondly, this program might not be using all the pins which i need.
So, the exact layout is very important for me to interface my boe-cmucam with my 68hc11.
Can the Appmod board be easily disconnected from the camera so the camera can be used directly or are the wires soldered to the camera board?
I was just wondering because I might like to try this thing out but I won't have much use for the Appmod board.
- Rick
·· I have requested the information an am awaiting a response.· Thanks.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
·· The following information was sent in from Seattle Robotics regarding the pins used on the CMUCam1...I hope this helps...
Boe-Bot CMUcam1 AppMod consists of two separate circuit boards connected by 5 colored wires or in rev B, four wires in a ribbon cable. The CMUcam1 board uses two pins on the Appmod connector for serial in(pin 9) and serial out(pin 7).
The AppMod board uses pin 13 for a piezo speaker, pins 4 and 8 (5 and 11 on version
None of the other 16 I/O pins on the AppMod header are used by the Boe-Bot CMUcam1 AppMod. However the AppMod board does not extend the AppMod header through the board effectively capping it just like your LCD terminal AppMod product does.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
For this DEMO program (CMUcam1 BoeBot AppMod 1.2 Demo Program) this should be the pin out....
P5 -shift register
P6 -button
P7 -serout
P8 -button
P9 -serin
P10 -speaker (Freqout)
P11 -Shift register
the two pin header connector is Vdd or +5 VDC
the 20 pin header is providing Vss or ground on the pins that are closest to the two pin header or the select switch depending how you look at things.
So this kit is actually using SEVEN I/O pins in this configuration
This what·I get from looking at this software version and by testing the power and ground connections with a multi meter
Please Verify my assumptions....
Thank you...
Team K.I.S.S
Build Safe, Build Mean, Build Strong!
It would be nice if Parallax could give me a pinout. Please and stuff......?
Team K.I.S.S
Build Safe, Build Mean, Build Strong!
Have you contacted the manufacturer, Seattle Robotics" to see if they have this information readily available?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support