F.C.C. Part 15 - Repeaters
Bruce Bates
Posts: 3,045
Folks -
As I remember, F.C.C. Part 15 regulations DO NOT PERMIT the use of a repeater. Can anyone confrim that?
Bruce Bates
As I remember, F.C.C. Part 15 regulations DO NOT PERMIT the use of a repeater. Can anyone confrim that?
Bruce Bates
As I recall the F.C.C. put greater restrictions on repeaters because to the greater potential for abuse. but I don't think they out-lawed them as commerical coverage of line-of-sight transmission often required them for adaption to geographic features.
If fact, cellular phone service is a huge repeater scheme, isn't it?
As HAM has gotten down to shorter and shorter wave lengths, repeaters seem to be more useful.
And of course, the Internet has become the ultimate 'repeater' as my mail box full of spam will testify. So these days, it seems their original intent of avoiding anonoymous communication origins for the sake of national security, has failed.
I would ask the ARRL, but don't expect a simple yes or no.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
Repeaters are legal on many bands. My only concern was Part 15 which addresses the unlicensed bands.
Bruce Bates
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I've used several commercially available 900 MHz data radios over the years which are approved as "license-free" in the US and Canada.
In all cases, and within the license-free approval, they may be configured as point to point, point-to-multipoint, or point-to repeater-to multipoint.
Tom Sisk