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Hello World

reimayreimay Posts: 5
edited 2006-11-07 08:55 in Propeller 1
Hello Parallax Team,
2 weeks ago, i have heart the first time about the propeller chip.
( maybe it is a long way to germany ;-)
Now I get the starter kit and i must say:· G R E A T !!!!
I like to present once of my first (very small) prog in SPIN - language.
Maybe it's usefull for vga|tv graphic demos.

Best Regards, reimay


  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,133
    edited 2006-11-07 08:55

    That's great! And it goes right along with the spirit of the Propeller: a lot from a little.

    Few could·guess what this might do:

    · 'plot the sierpinsky triangel with binary adresses
    · repeat y from 0 to 255
    ··· repeat x from 0 to y
    ····· z := x & y-x
    ····· if z == 0
    ······· plot(x+256-y>>1,y+30)
    reimay said...
    Hello Parallax Team,

    2 weeks ago, i have heart the first time about the propeller chip.
    ( maybe it is a long way to germany ;-)
    Now I get the starter kit and i must say:· G R E A T !!!!
    I like to present once of my first (very small) prog in SPIN - language.
    Maybe it's usefull for vga|tv graphic demos.

    Best Regards, reimay

    Chip Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
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