bug IO with Sxsim
Jean Brunet
Posts: 10
I am a problem. Look
In I/O panel I put ra port = 0101
If ra port is IN, it work good
But in my program the ra port is IN or OUT
If ra port is OUT,
mov !ra,#%0000
mov ra,#$OB
But when I replace ra port IN
mov !ra,#%1111
mov w,ra
The program not look my change and the read of ra port is 0B, not 5 !!
And sxsim look a bug·· but my program is good.
I am a problem. Look
In I/O panel I put ra port = 0101
If ra port is IN, it work good
But in my program the ra port is IN or OUT
If ra port is OUT,
mov !ra,#%0000
mov ra,#$OB
But when I replace ra port IN
mov !ra,#%1111
mov w,ra
The program not look my change and the read of ra port is 0B, not 5 !!
And sxsim look a bug·· but my program is good.
Post complete working source code and let others help you find out if your code is good. If possible, make a SMALL program that demonstrates the problem.
Thanks, PeterM
The program is a driver for the FT245R ship.
The PC get "1" and the sx put a $0B response.
At the second main loop, the ra port have a persistent information $0B.
For testing the program, set rb.0, rb.2 and ra.0
At the first, the program loop at read_usb.
clear rb.0, and for write_usb clear rb.2
Look ra port.
The sx write $OB, and at the second read_usb the ra port are not refresh. The result is $Ob, not 1.
··ID····· 'CCD02'···;program ID label
··RESET·· reset_entry··;set reset/boot address
RXF·=·rb.0· ; in. inv
URD·=·rb.1· ; out. inv
TXE·=·rb.2· ; in. inv
WR·=·rb.3· ; out
··MOV·!RA,#%1111·; Place le port A en entrée/sortie
··MOV·!RB,#%01000101· ; Place le port B en entrée/sortie
··mov· rb,#%00000010
··MOV·!RC,#%00000000· ; Place le port C en sortie
··CLR·fsr··; Efface la mémoire vive du SX
··jmp·main··; si 0· le SX ne répond pas
; test réponse du SX28
; **************************************************************************
; lecture de 8 bits sur le port USB par le SX
; **************************************************************************
:att··snb·RXF··; rxf = 0, la FIFO est prête
··mov·data,ra··; lecture port a
; **************************************************************************
; écriture sur le port 8 bits de l' USB
; **************************************************************************
··mov·data,w··; data sur le port B
:att··snb·TXE··; si TXE = true, attente
··mov·!ra,#%0000··; ra en écriture
··mov·ra,data··; data sur le port C
··mov·!ra,#%1111··; ra en lecture