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Hydra...getting closer?? — Parallax Forums

Hydra...getting closer??

cbmeekscbmeeks Posts: 634
edited 2006-11-08 19:01 in Propeller 1
I know it was mentioned earlier about the Hydra getting close? I got to have it!! lol

Seriously, November maybe??

Coders' Hangout
A place for programmers to hangout!

Metroid Classic


  • CariadCariad Posts: 13
    edited 2006-11-07 00:30
    OK wheres the Hydra, Chrissy's coming up and I want my Hydra for Christmas/Sooner/NOW!!. LOL

    Seriously, what is the state of releasing the Hydra guys I can't wait for this sweet little beast.

    jumpin.gif····· roll.gif···· burger.gif
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-11-07 01:07
    I want the book for Christmas at least [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Seriously they won't bite, they might nibble though?
  • cbmeekscbmeeks Posts: 634
    edited 2006-11-07 01:24
    The book would be great as well. However, I doubt I could ever get anything from it. I've done everything the family has asked for almost 3 years solid, 7 days a week and I finally get 1.5 hours today to program and the fights have already begun. I seriously might just pack up every piece of programming equipment I own and ship it to my storage building. I can't play games anymore. I can't travel any more. I can't drink anymore and now it looks like I can't code anymore. Isn't marriage great? :/

    Ok, sorry for that whine...if I had any more friends I would have told them instead....LOL


    Coders' Hangout
    A place for programmers to hangout!

    Metroid Classic
  • CariadCariad Posts: 13
    edited 2006-11-07 01:49
    Seriously meeks you have to lay the law.

    If kids then goto stuffed.

    If no kids goto laydownlaw.

    end program.


    laydownlaw: Explain you need a life of your own as well and if she is so unhappy with you then she must take up programming to share the journey.

    If won't take up programming or let you have some time to yourself then goto stuffed.

    stuffed: Your stuffed until your kids·get married or all leave home or you go the full burger and leave the ball and chain behind..

    Seriously I have kids and the same issue. I sat down with her and told her I loved her but if she is so unhappy with me then maybe I should move on if thats what she wants. I also said that I didn't want that but if she does I can't keep going on being unhappy every day.· So now I stay up and hack after the kids go to bed and all is sweet.

    Everyone knows its my hobby and all is cool now. I get my kids involved and she does her hobbies. I got my wife onto email on her computer and showed her how to email her friends and play solitaire and viola. She doesn't bother me.

    Good luck mate you will need it.

    Another mate of mines wife just kept nagging so much he moved out and got a place of his own. In that case it was the best move for him he is so happy now.
  • Cliff L. BiffleCliff L. Biffle Posts: 206
    edited 2006-11-07 02:36
    My woman's a belly dancer with a classics degree who thinks PropellerForth is cute. Neener neener.

    Yeah, I'm an ***, but I had to throw that out there. smile.gif

    So, to be mildly on topic, everything I've seen on this board suggests that the thing'll be out by Xmas. Throttle back; the Hydra looks to be a very nice piece of engineering/techwriting, and I'm sure they're cranking away as hard as they can.
  • CariadCariad Posts: 13
    edited 2006-11-07 02:40
    I think Andre' said its finished and just a matter of stocking and releasing.

    Can't wait though.

    PS. Just gotta love a women like that though.
  • Ym2413aYm2413a Posts: 630
    edited 2006-11-07 04:44
    I'm lucky, my woman doesn't mind me playing with the propeller on the days she works.
    As long as I still goto work in the morning and manage the bills.
  • Dennis FerronDennis Ferron Posts: 480
    edited 2006-11-07 04:46
    I go from classes, to work, to classes, to work, to doing tutoring, to work, to school events, to family events, classes, homework - argh! It's like being stuck inside a snowball rolling down a hill - I can see the sun fly by but it's back around again before I have time to do anything about it. The most frustrating part is that I *do* have "time" but it's all broken up in half to hour-and-a-half cracks between things I'm obligated to do. I'm lucky my finacee is ok with my crazy schedule - hers is just as crazy so we make time when we can.

    I've just given up try to do any hardcore hacking when my time is broken up like this. By the time I get my electronics lab set up, and get in the zone, I'm out of time again. You can't really take an 8 hour hacking marathon and make it 8 one-hour hacking sprints - you loose your place every time you're interrupted. That's why I spend all my time on these forums talking about projects instead of doing projects. I've found I can get a forum post done in the cracks between obligations but not anything on a project.

    Not to hijack cbmeek's original topic, but maybe we can put our heads together and figure out strategies for people who are as busy as we are to get projects done? I think one thing that is helpful is to do document as you go along. You may only get 15 minutes of actual, real lab time done but if you document what you did, at least it won't be lost when your short term memory of what you did expires.
  • CariadCariad Posts: 13
    edited 2006-11-07 05:21
    Yeah I have a document that gets added to each time and all my thoughts for the next session are jotted down on it. That way I can quickly pickup where I left off and also those future thoughts I had as well to get me back on track. Also my set up is permanently set up so all I have to do is sit down there and away I go. That helps a lot.
  • ciw1973ciw1973 Posts: 64
    edited 2006-11-07 09:21
    Got a couple of friends who have simialr trouble mixing their partners and their love of tech, and it seems for many people they are mutually exclusive. One friend hasn't done a single bit of coding since he and his girlfriend got together some two years ago. It's his own fault to be honest for bending to her ever request, and it's fine now, but I suspect there's going to be serious friction before long.

    Thankfully, whilst my wife doesn't share my enthusiasm for the likes of the Propeller chip and computers in general, she understands that we just have different interests and as long as we do have regular quality time together, then that's OK. I've no real time for watching television which is her preferred method of unwinding at the end of the day (I'm not against it, I can just *always* find better things to do) and she's no time for tinkering with electronics and coding, so there are windows in every day for us to do our own thing. Guess I'm pretty lucky like that.
  • cbmeekscbmeeks Posts: 634
    edited 2006-11-07 12:44
    Well, it's not like I hate spending time with my family...but I have two teenage step daughters that constantly fight and they are jealous of our two year old son. So my wife has to spend time with them and maybe it's a girl thing (no offense anyone) but when I was a kid, I got about 2 hours every 4 MONTHS with my family and I seem to be

    Anyway, it's a little nice to know I'm not the only one with this problem. I mean, non-programmers really don't understand. A good example is my bedroom. We started painting it about 6 MONTHS ago. Naturally, family prevent the 4 hours or so it takes. So, we painted one wall at a time. Looks silly for 6 months but the only thing left now is the trim. See, my wife thinks I can program the same way. 15 minutes here, 2 hours there, etc.

    Well, Parallax isn't really the place for this so I will stop it there. smile.gif


    Coders' Hangout
    A place for programmers to hangout!

    Metroid Classic
  • Ym2413aYm2413a Posts: 630
    edited 2006-11-07 13:46
    I work two jobs and my women is another full time job "But I love her so it's okay".
    I'm sure I'm a full time job to her as well. (lol) It goes both ways.
    Either way, I always make time for prototyping! I want a Hydra!

    I wish I worked for Parallax!
    It would be cool to get paid to work with the propeller and write objects for it! lol.gif
  • GadgetmanGadgetman Posts: 2,436
    edited 2006-11-07 14:39
    I always carry an old Psion S3c PDA with me.
    (It has a full QWERTY keyboard 2MB RAM and a good wordprocessor)
    with the ability to keep multiple WP documents, spreadsheets and databases open simultaneously, it's no problem taking notes any time.

    Ym2413a: Be careful what you wish for...
    How do you think Parallax headhunts?

    Now, if the book could be released for sale, soon...
    (I probably won't buy the Hydra itself, particularly if it comes with Wart, mouse and keyboard. The Wart is useless here in Norway, and the rest I can get from the 'discard bin' at the office... Most of what's there just needs to be cleaned... throughly... As for game controllers... I think I have 'a few' that's compatible... )

    Don't visit my new website...
  • parts-man73parts-man73 Posts: 830
    edited 2006-11-07 15:04
    My wife always finds something to do on our other computer while I tinker. The only time she complains is when I solder, the smell/fumes bother her. She accepts it, but doesn't understand it. It's hard sometimes when I complete something, and I'm so proud of my accomplishment, she is indifferent. I understand it's hard to be enthusiastic about something you don't understand. But a "good job" once in a while would be nice.

    I guess that what this forum is for, encouragement and support.

  • Dennis FerronDennis Ferron Posts: 480
    edited 2006-11-07 16:54
    Yeah, my fiancee doesn't understand the difference between soldering, welding, and a blow torch.· When I talk about soldering she must get this mental image of people in heat suits weilding plasma torches or something.· "Soldering?· You can't do that IN DOORS!· Are you crazy?"· But, I finally got her used to the idea I think.
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-11-07 20:02
    Ym2413a said...

    I wish I worked for Parallax!
    It would be cool to get paid to work with the propeller and write objects for it! lol.gif
    ROFL, I wish it were that simple. Thats what I got hired to do, but besides the Logic Analyzer application I primarily did before I was hired, I haven't had time to do any coding. Im hoping sometime in the late winter-early spring I'll be able to start writing more code. This isn't bellyaching, I love this job and wouldn't trade it for anything.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 11/7/2006 8:12:45 PM GMT
  • Ym2413aYm2413a Posts: 630
    edited 2006-11-08 02:24
    Paul Baker (Parallax) said...
    Ym2413a said...

    I wish I worked for Parallax!
    It would be cool to get paid to work with the propeller and write objects for it! lol.gif
    ROFL, I wish it were that simple. Thats what I got hired to do, but besides the Logic Analyzer application I primarily did before I was hired, I haven't had time to do any coding. Im hoping sometime in the late winter-early spring I'll be able to start writing more code. This isn't bellyaching, I love this job and wouldn't trade it for anything.

    Yeah. I'm sure it's not fun and games all of the time, but one could only wish. ^^
    But still, keep up the good work Paul and everyone else at Parallax! Your work means a lot to us.
  • Alex SilvaAlex Silva Posts: 10
    edited 2006-11-08 09:49
    So is the Hydra getting closer? roll.gif
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,387
    edited 2006-11-08 09:57
    Hey there,

    As·your guy in Asia visiting the factory at this exact moment, I can tell you that they've already shipped to Parallax and arrived. We're in the final stages of putting this together. Worry not - you'll have lots of cool Hydra projects to do over the holidays when your relatives show up!


    Ken Gracey
  • Alex SilvaAlex Silva Posts: 10
    edited 2006-11-08 10:34
    What a cool update. Sometimes the wonder of the Internet just strikes you all over again shocked.gif

    I think Andre said he was going over there too. Pass along thanks to everyone for such a cool product idea!

    Maybe someone can post a few pics of the trip somewhere. It may be work but it sounds fun!
  • cbmeekscbmeeks Posts: 634
    edited 2006-11-08 12:28
    That would be a treat....let's see some pics of the trip.

    Coders' Hangout
    A place for programmers to hangout!

    Metroid Classic
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-11-08 19:01
    It may not be all games, but it is definitely fun. I enjoy every part of the job especially the non-coding aspects of it, Im learning more in the couple of months I've been here than I did in 5 years at the Patent Office. The best part of this job is working with all the excellent staff of Parallax, they are the most friendly group of people I have ever met. It makes the fact that I am 3K miles from my fiancee tolerable.

    Anyways, I'll stop contributing to the off topic-ness of this thread now.
    Ym2413a said...
    Paul Baker (Parallax) said...
    Ym2413a said...

    I wish I worked for Parallax!
    It would be cool to get paid to work with the propeller and write objects for it! lol.gif
    ROFL, I wish it were that simple. Thats what I got hired to do, but besides the Logic Analyzer application I primarily did before I was hired, I haven't had time to do any coding. Im hoping sometime in the late winter-early spring I'll be able to start writing more code. This isn't bellyaching, I love this job and wouldn't trade it for anything.

    Yeah. I'm sure it's not fun and games all of the time, but one could only wish. ^^
    But still, keep up the good work Paul and everyone else at Parallax! Your work means a lot to us.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
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