Basic Stamp Editor - Left Margin Print adjustment?

Ok, as long as I'm asking questions about the editor, maybe this one could be visited as well. When I print my source code (and I do often when a project starts to get really big!) I've noticed that it prints with the left side snug up against the hard margin of my laser printer. Nothing I change in the "margin" field:

seems to change where the left side begins.
I use 3-hole binders to hold my source code and this causes the 3-hole punch to poke holes in my source. Believe me when I say my source has enough holes in it without this feature!
So, any update on when this might be addressed, and also, am I posting these requests/reports in the right place, or is there a better forum or method to report on this type of thing?
seems to change where the left side begins.

I use 3-hole binders to hold my source code and this causes the 3-hole punch to poke holes in my source. Believe me when I say my source has enough holes in it without this feature!

So, any update on when this might be addressed, and also, am I posting these requests/reports in the right place, or is there a better forum or method to report on this type of thing?

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·· I looked at you post and had the feeling of Déjà vu…At that moment I realized that’s because you have posted this before.·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
·· No problem…As I say, I e-mail Jeff again so he’d be sure it’s in the list for future fixes.· Thanks for keeping us on our toes.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I would also like to set a left print margin for the same reason.