Parallax Servo Controller - relax?
Is there any easy way to order the PSC to stop refreshing the servos, allowing them to 'relax'?
I know the Pololu supports this, but I'd rather use the Parallax as it's cheaper and uses the better supported FTDI chip in the USB model.
I know the Pololu supports this, but I'd rather use the Parallax as it's cheaper and uses the better supported FTDI chip in the USB model.
This very subject came up last month, and there is no simple way (via command, etc) to have the refresh stop. There were some add-on suggestions (additional circuity) that might be used, but that really complicates (wiring-wise) a rather simple servo controller.
Sorry for now, but if enough feedback is seen by Parallax, it may cause them to consider a firmware upgrade. Parallax has always been known as a considerate company that responds to its user base, and its customers.
Bruce Bates
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Thanks for the quick response. I'll probably just attach (yet another) Parallax USB to RS232 adapter to a serial Pololu device rather than bother trying out a new USB/Serial chip.
Post Edited (LakeSolon) : 11/5/2006 2:06:21 PM GMT