stamp identification sequence?
Adrian Schneider
Posts: 92
Hello everyone
This is actually a question to Parallax:
Did the·identification/response sequences change recently·for some·stamp types produced recently,
eg. a BS2e is expected to return "e"? Is there updated documentation available, I have been away
from the stamps for quite a while?
Thanks & Regards
This is actually a question to Parallax:
Did the·identification/response sequences change recently·for some·stamp types produced recently,
eg. a BS2e is expected to return "e"? Is there updated documentation available, I have been away
from the stamps for quite a while?
Thanks & Regards
·· The BASIC Stamp Tokenizer Documentation can be found at the link below.· Nothing has changed for quite a while.· Yes, the BS2e should return an ‘e’ after you send and ‘e’ to it, discarding the echoed ‘e’ of course.· I hope this helps.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Every Stamp has its own query response version sequence. The BS2pe expects to receive an "I" and then responds with a letter in the set "iIjJkKlLmMnN" depeding on the version and the pin count.
Tracy Allen