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wiegand reader connection

stefstef Posts: 173
edited 2008-03-12 19:30 in General Discussion

I'm a newbee but I like using the javeline stamp for some projects. I want to connect a acces controle standard reader (like from HID or indala) to my Pic by using the industrial standard wiegand connection (D0 and D1) so i can make my own litle acces controle system.

Has someone suggestions on how to do this. I don't know how to read the pulses on the two lines comming from the reader. It is a standard in acces controle but I can't fine much information on it.

(pardon for my englich but it is not my mother language)

Can somebody help me on this subject. Any help is welcom.


  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2006-10-31 22:20
    Here is some info on Wiegand

    There are converters so you can deal with rs232
    (perfect for javelin, so data·is·received in the background)

    regards peter
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-11-01 00:55
    Wiegand is pretty simple. A pulse on the D0 line is a zero, and a pulse on the D1 line is one. But the pulses are pretty short, so the micro has to be ready for them.


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    "People who are willing to trade their freedom for·security deserve neither and will lose both." Benjamin Franklin
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2006-11-01 05:09
    Here is the manual for the device posted above.
    Has many schematics and command descriptions and data formats.

    Simple Wiegand converter with JAL pic sources
    (you could translate this into sx or javelin code)

    AVR 2004 design contest: wiegand to serial converter
    click on entry to download sources and schematics

    regards peter

    Post Edited (Peter Verkaik) : 11/1/2006 6:07:14 AM GMT
  • stefstef Posts: 173
    edited 2006-11-01 20:30

    Thanks for the information. I know that thier are converters on the maket but I realy want to have everything in my hand and create it self. It is to easy to buy something. Thier is more pleasure when you can get something to work when it is created by yourself.

    So, Do you think it is possible with the javeline stamp. I already created some nice things with it. It is very easy to connect a display on it (I use a BPI-216L) and a real time clock (I use a ds1302). Or is the pic to slow to handel the signals comming from the wiegand.

    I was thinking to use the pulsin command but i'm not shure how to set it up to look at two pins at the same time.

    Any help are sugestions are welcome.

    regards stef
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2006-11-01 20:47
    Monitoring 2 pins for a 50uSec pulse is exactly the problem.
    I don't think the javelin can do that without missing pulses.

    You could use an sx48 protoboard, but then you do need
    a sxblitz or sxkey. You could convert the avr code or the
    jal source from the links I posted. There is a free jal compiler
    that generates pic assembly. On there is
    a utility that converts pic assembly into sx assembly.

    The protoboard has a prototype area on which you
    can mount a javelin. It already provides you with a 1A 5V supply.
    Then use a serial connection beween javelin and sx.
    The javelin would deal with the higher level aspects of your project.

    regards peter
  • stefstef Posts: 173
    edited 2006-11-01 21:05
    Hi peter

    I have an sxkey and 50 sx28ac/DP pic's. So you think it is doable with this one.

    The problem is I don't have mutch knollage of that one. I orderd the stater kit for playing with it but I find it more difficult then the javeline stamp. I also have a basic compiler for this one.

    So if i'm understanding it. You propose to use the sx28 to handel the wiegand convertion and connect him by rs232 to a javeline stamp. Can y use the basic compiler to create a software for the sx28, ccompile it and puch it in the pic. Does it matther on what feq he is running? I only hafe 50Mhz Xtals.

    I know this is not the right post but dos someone knows where i can find some help for the sx28.

  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2006-11-01 21:33
    If you already have an sxkey and sx28 ic's, you can set it up on a breadboard.
    I would start with the jal source. Download the files here:

    See here for JAL compiler:

    Compile the jal source.
    Then go here:
    paste the pic assembly source (from jal source) and convert to sx assembly source

    Save the sx assembly source as a .src file.
    Load it into the sxkey editor and try to assemble.
    It probably will generate some errors, but you'll have a start.

    You can get support for the sx28 at the sx forum:

    regards peter
  • stefstef Posts: 173
    edited 2006-11-01 21:46
    Thanks peter.

    I will give it a try. I will swith over to sx28 and give it also a go on that forum if i stumbel on questions. It will happen, i know myself.

    best reguards
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2006-11-01 21:53
    here is a link to the basic stamp forum, discussing wiegand with sx28 using SX/B.

    You could start from there and skip the whole jal conversion.

    regards peter
  • stefstef Posts: 173
    edited 2006-11-01 22:23
    thanks a lot peter

    This is realy helpful.
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-11-02 12:31
    I know very little about the Javelin ;( but if you have access to the port B edge detect register I think you could make it work. Because although the pulses are only about 40-50uSec there is about 2mSec between them. So you could use the portB edge detect register to "capture" the quick pulses.

    Just a thought....


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    "People who are willing to trade their freedom for·security deserve neither and will lose both." Benjamin Franklin
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2006-11-02 12:45
    if only...
    The javelin is an interpreter for java bytecodes.
    The tick used by javelin is 8.68 uSec, but the time
    required to do a pulseIn() (meaning fetch,decode,execute)
    is much longer. Having to monitor two pins would require a port bytewide read,
    comparing to the previous state and act upon the result.
    That all just takes too long.

    regards peter
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-11-02 15:26
    Yes, but the port B edge detect register will LATCH the pulse. So you only need to examine the latch every 2 milliseconds.
    It was just a thought...


    Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger
    SX-Video Display Modules

    "People who are willing to trade their freedom for·security deserve neither and will lose both." Benjamin Franklin
  • SalustioSalustio Posts: 1
    edited 2008-03-12 19:30

    I've also found this ones with several wiegand converters (rs-232, 485, usb, etc).
    They seem nice, small and light. I also requested a quotation and its less expensive than others.

    Best regards smile.gif
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