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Connecting Propeller Demo Board to the Board of Education — Parallax Forums

Connecting Propeller Demo Board to the Board of Education

Steve NelickSteve Nelick Posts: 25
edited 2006-10-26 20:39 in Propeller 1
Can I connect the Propeller Demo Board to a Board of Education?

I want to use the eb500 Bluetooth Transceiver with the Propeller. My problem is, the eb500 needs a Parallax Application Module header.· I put the eb500 into a Board of Education - AppMod header. And, I·removed the Basic Stamp from the BOE.

On the Propeller Demo Board I see a 5 volt source, and a Vss.· Can I run wires from the Propeller Demo Board to the BOE for the 5 volts I need for the eb500? On the BOE I see places to connect: a Vin, a Vdd, and a Vss.

Should I use the Vin or the Vdd on the BOE? Should I connect the Vin to the Vdd on the BOE?

The eb500 manual shows the eb500 needs 5 to 12 VDC, and the eb500 gets this on pin 20 of the AppMod header, which is labelled VCC in the eb500 manual.·Can I get 5 volts from the Propeller Demo Board to Pin 20 on the BOE AppMod?
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