Array Example Please
Does anyone have an example of writing to an array in SX/B
I have an array called KeyVal··· VAR···· BYTE (16)
Now how do i write and read to it?
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
I have an array called KeyVal··· VAR···· BYTE (16)
Now how do i write and read to it?
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
Jon Williams wrote this sometime back to show me how to have arrays larger than 16 bytes (in this case 64 bytes) in SX/B. Maybe this will help although I never exactly understood it.
If any of the statements are incorrect below please correct me, it is what I understand it now and may not be correct.
The SXB Basic compiler uses memory variables $00 thru $0C for its own internal use.
When you define your firat variable it uses the next available memory locations, $0D $0E, $0F ... up to $1F
When you use the BANK command to switch between the 8 banks of memory you can use only memory locations $10 thru $1F in each of the banks bank1 thru Bank7
So those 3 bytes $0D, $0E, $0F in bank 0 throw you off when bank switching. The file attached I define v1, v2, and v3 as the first 3 byte variable names and then x1 .. x16 as 16 more variables.
Then I can switch banks from 0 to 7 to get 64 bytes of variable space.
One problem though, The compiler on pass 2 seems to have a problem aND GIVES A WARNING, the code runs in the debugger though so perhaps someone can tell us why it is giving a warning. Funny thing the x1=255 thru x4=255 code gives the warnings about current bank, if i comment out x1 thru x4 then it gives warnings on the next 4 code lines x5=255 thru x8=255 maby someone knows why.
So warnings aside you could set up banks of 8 LED variables, use groups of 2 for your number of key hits to compare too and the other one for number of key hits current. Then switch banks and compare the next set of 8.
Think outside the BOX!
Just ignore the warning.
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