I recently used a Basic Stamp to make a stuffed animal whose head turns to watch people in th room (to creep them out) [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I put all the details, as well as the source code on m blog at
I'm definitely interested if anyone else has ideas for tracking people other than the PIR sensors -- there are definitely limitations with those, although they basically do the job. As the whole project came in at under $70, I can't complain [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I put all the details, as well as the source code on m blog at
I'm definitely interested if anyone else has ideas for tracking people other than the PIR sensors -- there are definitely limitations with those, although they basically do the job. As the whole project came in at under $70, I can't complain [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I guess what I am driving at is that I wonder if there is a way to make the eye - not just the head - follow people.
Wonderfully creepy.
Maybe you could have two eyes follow two different people....· heh. heh.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
That being said, I once saw what looked like the inside of a (3 dimentioanl) plastic mask of a dogs face painted in detail. If you held the mask in such a way as to not be able to see any of the back side of it, you could move it around and it gave the illusion that the whole head turned to watch you. It was pretty eeiry until you saw it from the side and recognized what was going on.
(Frequently heard from other's)
Tommy, I know it wasn't designed to·x, but can you make it·do x·anyway?