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Fading LED

riproarinriproarin Posts: 8
edited 2006-10-26 19:48 in Propeller 1
I'm looking for examples of spin and/or assy code that would allow me to fade a LED on and off.


  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-10-20 22:48
    Here is the example I'm using in the Counter Documentation, it runs an assembly cog and it's counter. Feeding a value 0-100 to the parameter·variable sets the percent on of the channel. The spin code demonstrates it with a upward slope sawtooth, but you can write your own spin code to do whatever you want it to do. Setting the value in the spin's waitcnt sets the speed at which the value is updated (and hence how quickly the fading occurs). To change the IO pin the output is on, change the 0 in diraval and the trailing 0 (after the + symbol) in ctraval to the pin number.

    PS ignore the reference to "PLL" in the top comment, thats an artifact of rewriting code, the example shown does not use the counter's PLL.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 10/20/2006 10:54:01 PM GMT
  • AndreLAndreL Posts: 1,004
    edited 2006-10-20 22:51
    Try this, manual PWM without counters, assumes the LED is connected to I/O port 0. Used it during testing to test each processor to make sure its working.


    Call like this from other spin code:


    · ' glowing rate
    · long glow_rate

    · glow· : "glow_led_001.spin"····· ' glowing led driver

    PUB start
    ·· ' start the glow object
    · glow_rate := $800
    · glow.start(@glow_rate)

    And here's the object itself...

    ' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    ' glow_led_001.spin
    ' Glow Led object - simple glows the led slowly, lets you know the processor
    ' is processing, and looks very cool --
    ' AUTHOR: Andre' LaMothe
    ' LAST MODIFIED: 2.09.06
    ' VERSION 0.1
    ' COMMENTS: Simply call start(@rate) where rate is $00000000 - $FFFFFFFF
    ' $00000800 creates a 1 second cycle approx., looks nice
    ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    DEBUG_LED_PORT_MASK = $00000001 ' debug LED is on I/O P0

    · long· cogon, cog

    PUB start(glow_led_parms_ptr) : okay
    '' Start glowing LED- starts a cog
    '' returns false if no cog available
    · stop
    · okay := cogon := (cog := cognew(@entry,glow_led_parms_ptr)) > 0

    PUB stop
    '' Stops driver - frees a cog
    · if cogon~
    ··· cogstop(cog)

    ······················· org $000
    ' Entry point
    ······················· nop
    ······················· ' initialize debug LED
    ······················· or· DIRA, #DEBUG_LED_PORT_MASK· ' set pin to output
    ······················· and OUTA, #(!DEBUG_LED_PORT_MASK) & $1ff ' turn LED off to begin
    ······················· mov lptr, par·················· ' copy parameter pointer to global pointer for future ref
    ······················· rdlong debug_led_inc, lptr····· ' now access main memory and retrieve the value
    ······················· ' add the current brightness to the counter
    ······················· add debug_led_ctr, debug_led_brightness················ wc·····················

    ······················· ' based on carry turn LED on/off
    ······· if_c··········· or· OUTA, #DEBUG_LED_PORT_MASK
    ······· if_nc·········· and OUTA, #(!DEBUG_LED_PORT_MASK) & $1FF

    ······················· ' update brightness and invert increment if we hit 0
    ······················· add debug_led_brightness, debug_led_inc················ wz·····················
    ······· if_z··········· neg debug_led_inc, debug_led_inc
    ······················· ' loop and do forever·························································································
    ······················· jmp #:glow_loop········

    '// VARIABLES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    debug_led_ctr·········· long··················· $00000000·· ' PWM counter
    debug_led_inc·········· long··················· $0000000··· ' increment to add to counter
    debug_led_brightness··· long··················· $80000000·· ' current brightness level
    lptr··················· long··················· $00000000·· ' general long pointer

  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,662
    edited 2006-10-21 00:50
    There is also an tutorial in the stickies, to give a sinusoidal pulsation using the counters:

    Tracy Allen
  • riproarinriproarin Posts: 8
    edited 2006-10-23 18:54
    Thank you all for your replies. I used Paul's examples because I actully needed the LED to turn on and then fade away. I able to do this very simply be reversing 0 to period to period to 0 in the repeat line. ALSO I would like to use this fading on eight LED in a castcading effect. Any tips on what would be the easiest way of doing this?
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2006-10-23 22:44
    Assuming you want some overlap between the 8 leds dimming then you will have to use both timmers and once one is in the off state reconfigure it to dim the next led, the two will then leapfrog each other.

    Instead consider doing it using waitcnt in spin, its only LEDs after all you don't need high speed or precision. What you can do is have a loop and use wait count to ensure it is a certain length (to remove uncertainty due to code branches), then deterimine the on and off times of your leds interms of numbers of loops, it just becomes a matter of counting then.

  • riproarinriproarin Posts: 8
    edited 2006-10-23 23:11
    Is there a way I could assign one cog to one LED? Have each cog run the same program just slightly delayed?
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2006-10-23 23:58
    Is this all you want your program to do?

    Here is some spin that dims two leds, copy and paste bits for more, its badly written but you will get the idea:

    '' A badly written program to dim one led after another.
    '' As written dims leds on demoboard
    '' You could do the same in asm and it would be much better.
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
    PUB main | on_time1,off_time1,i,j,state1,target1,T,state2,target2 ,on_time2,off_time2,d2, delay2
      dira[noparse][[/noparse]16] := 1      ' make an output
      dira[noparse][[/noparse]17] := 1
      T := 100           ' Time period in loops (make larger for slower dim)
      on_time1  := T     ' On time
      on_time2  := T 
      off_time1 := 0     ' Off time
      off_time2 := 0
      state1    := 1     ' one is led on, 0 is off
      state2    := 1
      target1   := T
      target2   := T
      delay2    := 5000  ' Delay between first and second
         outa[noparse][[/noparse]16] := state1
         outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] := state2
         i := i+1
         j := j+1
         if i == target1              ' first LED, just makes on time smaller and off time larger
            if state1 == 1
               target1 := ++off_time1
               target1 := --on_time1
            if on_time1 <> 0          ' So it stops.
            i := 0
         if j == target2 AND d2 > delay2
            if state2 == 1
               target2 := ++off_time2
               target2 := --on_time2
            if on_time2 <> 0 
            j := 0
         if d2 < delay2                ' This is the delay for led2
            d2 := d2 + 1
         if d2 == delay2
            j := 0
            d2 := d2 + 1
  • riproarinriproarin Posts: 8
    edited 2006-10-24 00:25
    Very close. But I need the to some how turn on one LED and while in the act of fading turn on the next LED. Do you think I can make this program work or change to a different method?(Assy?) And BIG thanks for the program.
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2006-10-24 09:51
    Yes you can modify it to do what you want, just look at it, understand how it works and change it. What have you got to loose. Once you prove and refine the idea you could go for asm but there is no advantage IF this is fast enough.

    I suspect you want to make something that looks like a knightrider stripe, the fading in that case is done by your eye, you keep seeing the led for a while before it disappears (called persistance of vision). And if the fade isn't long enough you just add a tiny capacitor (kit probably had bulbs not LEDs and that would have helped too. That is probably the simplest solution, then all you do is shift bits to turn each LED on in order, thats a tiny program in Spin or asm.

  • riproarinriproarin Posts: 8
    edited 2006-10-24 23:58
    Hey Graham,
    Can you help me understand this bit of code?
    I think the starting value of "i" is 1 and starting value of "target1" is 100. Am I correct in thinking that the first IF statement is not met until the first 100 cycles?
    i := i+1
    j := j+1
    if i == target1 ' first LED, just makes on time smaller and off time larger
    if state1 == 1
    target1 := ++off_time1
    target1 := --on_time1
    if on_time1 <> 0 ' So it stops.
    i := 0
  • riproarinriproarin Posts: 8
    edited 2006-10-25 03:11
    Hey Graham,
    Do you think this is the right direction?
    I'm having trouble with the delay timing.

    '' A badly written program to dim one led after another.
    '' As written dims leds on demoboard

    '' You could do the same in asm and it would be much better.


    _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
    _xinfreq = 5_000_000

    PUB main | on_time1,on_time2,on_time3,on_time4,on_time5,on_time6,on_time7,on_time8,off_time1,off_time2,off_time3,off_time4,off_time5,off_time6,off_time7,off_time8,state1,state2,state3,state4,state5,state6,state7,state8,target1,target2,target3,target4,target5,target6,target7,target8,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,T,d2, delay2

    dira[noparse][[/noparse]16] := 1 ' make an output
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]17] := 1
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]18] := 1
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]19] := 1
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]20] := 1
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]21] := 1
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]22] := 1
    dira[noparse][[/noparse]23] := 1

    T := 50 ' Time period in loops (make larger for slower dim)

    on_time1 := T ' On time
    on_time2 := T
    on_time3 := T
    on_time4 := T
    on_time5 := T
    on_time6 := T
    on_time7 := T
    on_time8 := T
    off_time1 := 0 ' Off time
    off_time2 := 0
    off_time3 := 0
    off_time4 := 0
    off_time5 := 0
    off_time6 := 0
    off_time7 := 0
    off_time8 := 0

    state1 := 1 ' one is led on, 0 is off
    state2 := 0
    state3 := 0
    state4 := 0
    state5 := 0
    state6 := 0
    state7 := 0
    state8 := 0
    target1 := T
    target2 := T
    target3 := T
    target4 := T
    target5 := T
    target6 := T
    target7 := T
    target8 := T

    delay2 := 2000 ' Delay between first and second


    outa[noparse][[/noparse]16] := state1
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] := state2
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]18] := state3
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]19] := state4
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]20] := state5
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]21] := state6
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]22] := state7
    outa[noparse][[/noparse]23] := state8

    i := i+1
    j := j+1
    k := k+1
    l := l+1
    m := m+1
    n := n+1
    o := o+1
    p := p+1

    if i == target1 ' first LED, just makes on time smaller and off time larger
    if state1 == 1
    target1 := ++off_time1
    target1 := --on_time1
    if on_time1 <> 0 ' So it stops.

    i := 0

    if j == target2 AND d2 > delay2
    if state2 == 1
    target2 := ++off_time2
    target2 := --on_time2
    if on_time2 <> 0

    j := 0

    if k == target3 AND d2 > delay2
    if state3 == 1
    target3 := ++off_time3
    target3 := --on_time3
    if on_time3 <> 0

    k := 0

    if l == target4 AND d2 > delay2
    if state4 == 1
    target4 := ++off_time4
    target4 := --on_time4
    if on_time4 <> 0

    l := 0

    if m == target5 AND d2 > delay2
    if state5 == 1
    target5 := ++off_time5
    target5 := --on_time5
    if on_time5 <> 0

    m := 0

    if n == target6 AND d2 > delay2
    if state6 == 1
    target6 := ++off_time6
    target6 := --on_time6
    if on_time6 <> 0

    n := 0
    if o == target7 AND d2 > delay2
    if state7 == 1
    target7 := ++off_time7
    target7 := --on_time7
    if on_time7 <> 0

    o := 0

    if p == target8 AND d2 > delay2
    if state8 == 1
    target8 := ++off_time8
    target8 := --on_time8
    if on_time8 <> 0

    p := 0

    if d2 < delay2 ' This is the delay for led2
    d2 := d2 + 1
    if d2 == delay2
    j := 0
    k := 0
    l := 0
    m := 0
    n := 0
    o := 0
    p := 0
    d2 := d2 + 1
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2006-10-25 09:57
    Can you edit your post and put the code between code tags, thats a [noparse][[/noparse]code ] and a [noparse][[/noparse]/code ] (without the spaces)

    It then keeps the indentation and makes it easier to read.

    or just attach the file

  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2006-10-25 10:01
    riproarin, (a name would be nice)

    The way PWM works is to have a constant frequency and variable on-time to off-time ratio. So what the program does it turn the LED on for 100 loops and off for one, then on for 99 loops and off for two, then on for 98 loops and off for three.

    And so on and so forth.

  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2006-10-25 10:03
    From first glances you need to add a delay for each LED, delay1, delay2 .... Realize that the delay section of code doesn't stop the loop going around it just waits for a certain number of loops before allowing the other parts of the program to do anything.
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-10-25 16:21
    Riproarin, use a piece of paper and graph your 8 led's intensity in the way you want them, from what I understand they are something like:

    |     \
    |      \____________  1st LED
          |     \
    ______|      \______  2nd LED
                |     \
    ____________|      \  3rd LED

    This is called a timing diagram, this will give you an idea of the values of the delays you will need to generate to get your sequence.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • riproarinriproarin Posts: 8
    edited 2006-10-26 18:56
    Gramam and Paul,
    I decided to go in a different direction. Attached is my bit banging method and it works pretty good. I'm sure I could find a way to loop the process, but thats for another day.

    Mark Harrison

    {{ 8 LED nightrider effect }}
      _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X     'Set to ext low-speed crystal, 4x PLL
      _XINFREQ = 5_000_000         'Frequency on XIN pin is 5 MHz
      Delay = 25_000        'off time
      Delay02 = 100_000_000 'Cycle delay
      Delay25 =500           '25% duly on
      Delay50 =5_000         '50% duly on
      Delay75 =50_000        '75% duly on
        t =50                'Cycle rate  higher t slower speed
    PUB Toggle
        !outa[noparse][[/noparse]16]                  'Stage 1
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        !outa[noparse][[/noparse]17]                  'Stage 2
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        !outa[noparse][[/noparse]18]                  'Stage 3
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        !outa[noparse][[/noparse]19]                  'Stage 4
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        !outa[noparse][[/noparse]20]                  'Stage 5
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        !outa[noparse][[/noparse]21]                  'Stage 6
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        !outa[noparse][[/noparse]22]                  'Stage 7
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        !outa[noparse][[/noparse]23]                  'Stage 8
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        '!outa[noparse][[/noparse]x]                  'Stage 9
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        '!outa[noparse][[/noparse]y]                  'Stage 10
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t                   'Stage 11
         ' !outa[noparse][[/noparse]x]
         ' !outa[noparse][[/noparse]y]
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        waitcnt (delay02 + cnt)   'Cycle delay[/b][/b][/b][/b]
  • riproarinriproarin Posts: 8
    edited 2006-10-26 19:48
    My next step is to add the ablity to adjust the cycle rate and cycle delay. When I use the basic stamp, I use the RCTime command and connect a RC network to a input pin.
    I tried this. Anyone know of a simple way to adjust a variable using a pot?
    {{ 8 LED nightrider effect }}
      _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X     'Set to ext low-speed crystal, 4x PLL
      _XINFREQ = 5_000_000         'Frequency on XIN pin is 5 MHz
      Delay = 25_000
      Delay02 = 50_000_000
      Delay25 =500
      Delay50 =5_000
      Delay75 =50_000
        t =100
    PUB RCTIME (Pin,State):Duration | ClkStart, ClkStop
       ClkStart := cnt                                         ' Save counter for start time
       waitpne(1 << 0, |< 0, 0)                        ' Wait for opposite state to end
       clkStop := cnt                                          ' Save stop time
       Duration := (clkStop - ClkStart)                    ' calculate in 1us resolution
    PUB Toggle
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        repeat t
         ' !outa[noparse][[/noparse]x]
         ' !outa[noparse][[/noparse]y]
          waitcnt(Delay25 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay50 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay75 + cnt)
          waitcnt(Delay + cnt)
        waitcnt (delay02 + cnt)[/b][/b][/b][/b]
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