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Could someone point me in the right direction please? — Parallax Forums

Could someone point me in the right direction please?

Mike WMike W Posts: 105
edited 2006-10-22 01:27 in Learn with BlocklyProp
Could someone point me in the right direction please? I am using the Professional Developement Board and my intentions were to write a program to simulate a slot machine with the 7 segment displays. I wanted to scroll three random digits and light the appropriate digit one after the other, after a small delay each. I have wired the 7 segment displays as in StampWorks v2.0· Experiment #10 page 67
Right now i am just trying to get 3 random digits to display.
Mike W

' {$STAMP BS2e}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' ==============================================================================
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]
'· Scroll three random numbered digits stoping one at a time like a slot machine
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]

Segs··········· VAR···· OUTL··················· ' segments
Digs············ VAR···· OUTC··················· ' digit select

[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]

Blank·········· CON···· %00000000·············· ' all segments off

[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]

rndVal········· VAR···· Word··················· ' Random number
cnt············· VAR···· Word··················· ' seconds
number·········VAR···· Word··················· ' formatted number
theDig········· VAR···· Nib···················· ' current display digit

[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]

'············ ················ .GFEDCBA
'·················· ············
·············· ' digit patterns
Digit0········· DATA··· %00111111·············· ' 0
Digit1········· DATA··· %00000110·············· ' 1
Digit2········· DATA··· %01011011·············· ' 2
Digit3········· DATA··· %01001111·············· ' 3
Digit4········· DATA··· %01100110·············· ' 4
Digit5········· DATA··· %01101101·············· ' 5
Digit6········· DATA··· %01111101·············· ' 6
Digit7········· DATA··· %00000111·············· ' 7
Digit8········· DATA··· %01111111·············· ' 8
Digit9········· DATA··· %01101111·············· ' 9

DigSel········· DATA··· %1101·················· ' digit 1 active
················ ·DATA··· %1011·················· ' digit 2 active
················· DATA··· %0111·················· ' digit 3 active

[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]

· Digs = %1111································· ' all off
· DIRS = $0FFF································· ' make segs & digs outputs
· cnt = 0

[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]


··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_1························· ' updata current number
··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_2
··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_3
··· PAUSE 100

·· END
· 'GOTO Main

[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]

· Segs = Blank································· ' clear display
· READ (DigSel + theDig), Digs················· ' select digit
· READ (Digit0 + (number // 10)), Segs········· ' move digit pattern in segs
· PAUSE 10


· RANDOM rndVal································ ' stir random value
· cnt = (rndVal // 10)
·theDig = 2···································· ' digit pointer
· number = number + (cnt // 100)··············· ' get 100s
· GOSUB Show_Counter

· RANDOM rndVal································ ' stir random value
· cnt = (rndVal // 10)
·theDig = 1···································· ' digit pointer
· number = number + (cnt // 10)················ ' get· 10s
· GOSUB Show_counter

· RANDOM rndVal································ ' stir random value
· cnt = (rndVal // 10)
·theDig = 0···································· ' a digit pointer
· number = number + cnt························ ' get· 1s
· GOSUB Show_counter


  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2006-10-19 03:01
    Mike, Im guessing the problem you are having is that the same numbers keep being displayed everytime.One solution is to randomize the seed value (rndVal) within a DO WHILE LOOP until an input goes high (pin 15 for example). Place a resistor from pin 15 to VSS and place a pushbutton from pin 15 to VDD. Then modify Main as below.


    ····· rndVal=1
    ····· DO WHILE IN15 = 0
    ····· rndVal = rndVal +1
    ····· IF rndVal >65534 THEN
    ····· rndVal=1
    ····· ENDIF
    ····· LOOP

    ··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_1
    ··· PAUSE 500
    ··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_2
    ··· PAUSE 500
    ··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_3

    ·GOTO Main

    Jeff T.
  • Mike WMike W Posts: 105
    edited 2006-10-19 03:39
    Jeff T.

    thanks for the reply

    although the same numbers do keep comming up I was having more trouble multiplexing 3 digits
    a button will be incorporated to start the roll but I was thinking it would stop it's self.

    say push button and digits 1 - 3 scroll rapidly random numbers between 0 and 9. At a given interval digit one would stop and display a number, digits 2 and 3 will still continue to scroll then digit two would stop and number 1 and 2 would be displayed leaving digit 3 scroll until it finally stops.

    mike w
  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2006-10-19 15:12
    Mike, firstly if you have a momentary push to make switch the routine will stop after each roll and wait for the next press of the button. Next you could scroll through the numbers with for next loops as below.

    idx VAR Nib
    ··· FOR idx = 1 TO 10
    ··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_1
    ··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_2
    ··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_3
    ··· PAUSE 200
    ··· NEXT
    ··· FOR idx = 1 TO 10
    ··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_2
    ··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_3
    ··· PAUSE 200
    ··· NEXT
    ··· FOR idx = 1 TO 10
    ··· GOSUB Spin_wheel_3
    ··· PAUSE 200
    ··· NEXT

    lastly looking at your code I think you could possibly get rid of the "number" variable all together so each Spin_wheel would be

    · RANDOM rndVal
    · cnt = (rndVal // 10)
    · theDig = 2
    · GOSUB Show_Counter

    then adjust Show_Counter like this

    · Segs = Blank
    · READ (DigSel + theDig), Digs
    · READ (Digit0 + cnt), Segs
    · RETURN

    Jeff T.
  • Mike WMike W Posts: 105
    edited 2006-10-19 17:15
    Jeff T

    At first I did not uderstand your thought about putting the push button in now, but it does make better sense. I will work with your suggestions and advise and see if I can get it together.

    Thanks again,

  • Mike WMike W Posts: 105
    edited 2006-10-20 23:50
    Well thanks to a couple of good tips and a few snippets of code I now have a program that pretty much runs as I had originally intended with one small problem.
    On the first run things go as expected, push the button and the numbers scroll stopping one at a time and displaying three random digits.
    On the next push the numbers scroll but they always stop on 046 unless I do a reset
    I have tried clearing the wheel variables with no success

    I have included the new code below
    Any suggestions
    Mike W

    [noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]
    '· Scroll three random numbered digits stoping one at a time like a slot machine
    [noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]

    Segs··········· VAR···· OUTL··················· ' segments
    Digs··········· VAR···· OUTC··················· ' digit select

    [noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]

    Blank·········· CON···· %00000000·············· ' all segments off

    [noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]

    idx············ VAR···· Nib···················· ' Counter
    theDig········· VAR···· Nib···················· ' current display digit
    wheel_1_Dig···· VAR···· Nib···················· '· hold
    wheel_2_Dig···· VAR···· Nib···················· '· digit
    wheel_3_Dig···· VAR···· Nib···················· '· value
    wheel_1_Seg···· VAR···· Byte··················· '· hold
    wheel_2_Seg···· VAR···· Byte··················· '· segment
    wheel_3_Seg···· VAR···· Byte··················· '· value
    rndVal········· VAR···· Word··················· ' Random number
    cnt············ VAR···· Word··················· ' count
    [noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]
    '······················· .GFEDCBA
    ·············· ' digit patterns
    Digit0········· DATA··· %00111111·············· ' 0
    Digit1········· DATA··· %00000110·············· ' 1
    Digit2········· DATA··· %01011011·············· ' 2
    Digit3········· DATA··· %01001111·············· ' 3
    Digit4········· DATA··· %01100110·············· ' 4
    Digit5········· DATA··· %01101101·············· ' 5
    Digit6········· DATA··· %01111101·············· ' 6
    Digit7········· DATA··· %00000111·············· ' 7
    Digit8········· DATA··· %01111111·············· ' 8
    Digit9········· DATA··· %01101111·············· ' 9
    DigSel········· DATA··· %0110·················· ' digit 1 active
    ··············· DATA··· %0101·················· ' digit 2 active
    ··············· DATA··· %0011·················· ' digit 3 active
    [noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
    · INPUT 15
    · Digs = %1111································· ' all off
    · DIRS = $0FFF································· ' make segs & digs outputs
    [noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]
    · rndVal=1
    ··· DO WHILE IN15 = 1
    ···· rndVal = rndVal +1
    ····· IF rndVal >65534 THEN
    ····· rndVal=1
    ····· ENDIF
    ··· LOOP
    ·FOR idx = 1 TO 10
    ··· GOSUB Spin_Wheel_1
    ··· GOSUB Spin_Wheel_2
    ··· GOSUB Spin_Wheel_3
    ·· PAUSE 10
    · NEXT
    ·FOR idx = 1 TO 10
    ··· GOSUB Spin_Wheel_2
    ··· GOSUB Spin_Wheel_3
    ·· PAUSE 10
    · NEXT
    ·FOR idx = 1 TO 10
    ··· GOSUB Spin_Wheel_3
    ·· PAUSE 10
    · NEXT
    · GOSUB show_display
    ·LOOP UNTIL IN15 = 0
    [noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
    ·· Digs = wheel_1_dig
    ·· Segs = wheel_1_seg
    · PAUSE 2
    ·· Digs = wheel_2_dig
    ·· Segs = wheel_2_seg
    · PAUSE 2
    ·· Digs = wheel_3_dig
    ·· Segs = wheel_3_seg
    · PAUSE 2
    · Segs = Blank
    · READ (DigSel + theDig), Digs
    · READ (Digit0 + cnt), Segs
    · RETURN
    ·· RANDOM rndVal······························· ' stir random value
    ·· cnt = (rndVal // 10)
    · theDig = 2··································· ' digit pointer
    ·GOSUB Get_Display
    ·· wheel_1_Dig = Digs·························· ' save digit and segment
    ·· wheel_1_Seg = Segs·························· ' values
    ·GOSUB Show_Display
    ·· RANDOM rndVal······························· ' stir random value
    ·· cnt = (rndVal // 10)
    · theDig = 1··································· ' digit pointer
    ·GOSUB Get_Display
    ·· wheel_2_Dig = Digs
    ·· wheel_2_Seg = Segs
    ·GOSUB Show_Display
    ·· RANDOM rndVal······························· ' stir random value
    ·· cnt = (rndVal // 10)
    · theDig = 0··································· ' a digit pointer
    ·GOSUB Get_Display
    ·· wheel_3_Dig = Digs
    ·· wheel_3_Seg = Segs
    ·GOSUB Show_Display

    ' =================================[noparse][[/noparse] EOF ]==============================
  • UnsoundcodeUnsoundcode Posts: 1,532
    edited 2006-10-21 16:29
    Hi Mike, your code is looking pretty good, I tried it using DEBUGIN as my "switch" and DEBUG as my Segs, it worked out fine. Apart from the fact I had no hardware the only other thing different was that I removed the second DO UNTIL LOOP, do while IN15=1 and do until IN15=0 equate to the same logical operation so·If you have to refresh the display put the code in the first DO WHILE LOOP. I think what may be happening is that when you press the button you break out of the second loop, assign a value of one to rndVal everytime (skipping the first loop because the button is pressed now) ·therefore you get the same "RANDOM" values everytime.

    Jeff T.
  • Mike WMike W Posts: 105
    edited 2006-10-21 20:53

    I took the second Do Loop out like you seggested and replaced it with

    FOR idx = 1 TO 250
    · GOSUB show_display
    · NEXT

    This shows the display for a couple of seconds and then starts again.

    The second Do Loop was defiantly causing the problem. now to add a couple of bells and whistles

    Mike W
  • Mike WMike W Posts: 105
    edited 2006-10-22 01:27
    I have compleated this program, for now anyway. My original purpose was to better understand how to multiplex digits .

    Thanks to Jeff for his help.

    The program scrolls three digits randomly stopping them one at a time and displaying the digits.

    If all three digits match a tone is sounded
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