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Boe-Bot & Javelin Stamp — Parallax Forums

Boe-Bot & Javelin Stamp

deshvilledeshville Posts: 5
edited 2006-10-19 05:45 in General Discussion
Is it possible to program the Boe-Bot using Javelin Stamp? The sample codes I·found were all for Basic Stamp


  • Jon KeinathJon Keinath Posts: 146
    edited 2006-10-19 00:28
    I don't have a boe-bot, but I do know that the javelin can be used with them. See the following links for more info.

    and the yahoo group with javelin class files

    Hope this helps. Maybe someone who has a boe-bot can chime in with their experiences.
  • Kevin WoodKevin Wood Posts: 1,266
    edited 2006-10-19 05:03
    Sure, but as you mentioned, you'll need to write the code yourself.
  • bulkheadbulkhead Posts: 405
    edited 2006-10-19 05:17
    "program the Boe-Bot" is really simple. At the start, it involves only programming two servos (the two drive motors) . Physically, the pinouts are the same (so you can just plug the Javelin into the slot where the BS2 is. The difference is that you write your program in java. Controlling servos is really easy, just create a PWM object (see "Help" for details) and change the pulse values to make the servos move at different speeds. Each pulse length corresponds with a speed for continous rotation servos.
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2006-10-19 05:45
    The JBot package mentioned in the post above has lots of code
    and documentation. Unfortunately many pictures in that documentation
    are not present.
    The link above is the Robotics Text v2.2 which does have
    the pictures, but only has basic examples. Just combine
    the both documentations.

    regards peter
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