How to go from a standard servo to a modified servo?
I'm sure that this info is on here somewhere but I spent some time looking and couldn't find, it only some discussions on the concept.· Do I just exacto knife off the mechanical stops or is there more to it than that?
- Stephen
Unless you're looking to do this for the experience, I suggest you just order a pre-modified servo from Parallax:
This servo is made by Futaba, so its a good solid brand name and is the same unit you'll find on the BOE-BOT. It has a hole in the side of the case that allows you access to a trim pot that lets you to tweek the "dead zone" (i.e. "stop" position). All in all, I've used a bunch of these and have been very pleased. And at around $7.00 each, you simply CANT beat the price!
I'd rather spend my time working on other aspects of my projects when this one has been covered so well by an OEM. Just my $0.02... [noparse]:)[/noparse]