Motor selection with the Micro Dual Serial Motor Controller? Amps: Stall, max
···· I'm trying to do some motor selection based on the restraints on the Micro Dual Serial Motor Controller.· When it says, "up to 2amps with a single motor and up to 1 amp with two motors" which amperage is it refering to:· the stall, max eff. or the no load?· I don't want to fry the motor controller or the stamp by picking something with too much amp draw but I'd rather not have to gear down to a crawling speed.· I already purchased this controller and I don't really want to buy something like the HB-25 because of >$$$.· Can anybody help me with this question?
········ Thanks---AP.
···· I'm trying to do some motor selection based on the restraints on the Micro Dual Serial Motor Controller.· When it says, "up to 2amps with a single motor and up to 1 amp with two motors" which amperage is it refering to:· the stall, max eff. or the no load?· I don't want to fry the motor controller or the stamp by picking something with too much amp draw but I'd rather not have to gear down to a crawling speed.· I already purchased this controller and I don't really want to buy something like the HB-25 because of >$$$.· Can anybody help me with this question?
········ Thanks---AP.
Thanks again!---AP