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programming a Basic Stamp on a MacIntosh — Parallax Forums

programming a Basic Stamp on a MacIntosh

charlieknoxcharlieknox Posts: 27
edited 2006-10-14 05:04 in Learn with BlocklyProp
I will be running a weekly·afternoon activity for students at our local middle school, and would like to use the Boebot as part of it.· I have serial Boebots, and wonder if anyone has experience using any of the·serial to USB adapters mentioned at·.· Any recommendations pro or con for any of the adapters mentioned would be helpful.· While I am used to programming using the Parallax Windows editor, I have never used the available Mac version.· Any tips, hints, or recommendations regarding the Mac software would be welcome, as well.· Lastly, does the USB version of the Board of Education work pretty much seamlessly with the Mac software?

Again, any insights in this endeavor would be much appreciated from those of you with experience programming the Basic Stamp with an Apple MacIntosh.

Best Regards,



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-10-13 14:42
    The Macintosh version works well. If you use a serial to USB adapter, be sure to install the appropriate driver from the manufacturer. I use the Keyspan 19QW. If you use Parallax's adapter, sometimes the Mac editor warns you about the version of the driver, that the "latest" one may be buggy and you should install an earlier one. Personally, I haven't seen any difference with either version of the driver.

    I don't have a USB BOE, but the USB circuitry is the same as all the other Parallax USB interfaces and I've used their USB2SER adapter and Propeller Demo Board with my Mac (PowerBook with OS 10.4.8).
  • ForrestForrest Posts: 1,341
    edited 2006-10-13 16:32
    MacBS2 works fine with my Macs using an old Keyspan 19 USB to PDA adapter. Most Mac and PC users on this board have had success using Keyspan adapters. I believe there have been some problems reported by Intel Mac users running MacBS2 - as this isn't a Universal program.
  • BenBen Posts: 9
    edited 2006-10-14 05:04
    I have used the Parallax USB adapter (FDI chipset), an old Keyspan 19, and a few generic spin offs. Only one of the generics worked. The Parallax and Keyspan worked great - no difference between them.

    Please be aware that not all the features of the Parallax editor are implimented in MacBS2. Details can be found on the MacBS2 website. I never did get a terminal program working side by side the MacBS2 for the debugger functions. Because of this, not all lessons in the WAM and BOE-BOT text can be used. The author of MacBS2 is to be commended, however. I sent him shareware $$ and within a few weeks he implimented an important item on my requested features list.

    Last year I ran a high school class with BOE-BOT, WAM, iBooks 10.3.9, MacBS2, and a mix of Parallax USB and Keyspan adapters. Worked great!
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