positive incrementing a for next loop with starting number less than ending num
Posts: 79
I have (I need) a routine for reading an EEPROM with a for next loop that may have a starting number less than the ending number. The program·writes··data in 16 byte chunks to a 24LC128 EEPROM. Each time it writes the address is increased by 16 for the next WRITE. On·request it will read the data to StampDAQ. In order to not constantly write to the same addresses,·after a down load from the EEPROM the program will start the next write at the·last address read. If it gets to the·end of page address of the EEPROM it will roll to address 0 and continue from there. By using GETs, PUTs, READs and WRITEs the program knows where to start and end a·WRITE or READ·and not to overwrite data that has not been downloaded. If the stored data does not pass address 0, downloading is no problem. If it does then the starting address is less than the ending address and the BS2 wants the for next loop to count down instead of up. I am using the EEPROM address for the counter in the loop with a·STEP 16. How can I force it to count up regardless of the begining or ending numbers? I tried adding 15 inside the loop plus the one from the FOR NEXT loop (default STEP 1) but if the start is less than the end it subtracts one in the loop. I suspect I could always start at address 0 and it would take several years to wear out the EEPROM but I want to know how to do this. Assuming I can figure out how I wil include the part of the program in question as an attachment.
GET 19, ee_add.HIGHBYTE
GET 21, ee_add.LOWBYTE
GET 23, clear
GET 27, startadd.HIGHBYTE
GET 28, startadd.LOWBYTE
last_add = ee_add - 16
IF last_add > 16368 THEN last_add = 16368
IF last_add = ee_add THEN nodata
ee_add = startadd
SEROUT RSdin,Rbaud, [noparse][[/noparse]"DUMPING",CR]
FOR ee_add = startadd TO last_add STEP 16
IF ee_add = 16384 THEN ee_add = 0
I2CIN SDA,$A1, ee_add.HIGHBYTE\ee_add.LOWBYTE, [noparse][[/noparse]secs, mins, hrs, date, month, year,outside.HIGHBYTE,outside.LOWBYTE, supply8,retrn8,supply11,retrn11,chilledsupply,chilledretrn,retrn9,retrn10]
hrstime = (12 - (24 - (hrs10 * 10 + hrs01) // 12))
IF (hrs > 17) THEN afternoon
IF hrs = 0 THEN hrstime =12
SEROUT RSdin, Rbaud, [noparse][[/noparse]"DATA,",HEX2 month,"/",HEX2 date,"/",HEX2 year," ", DEC hrstime,":",HEX2 mins,":",HEX2 secs," _AM ",",",
SDEC Outside,",",DEC supply8,",", DEC retrn8,",", DEC supply11,",", DEC retrn11,",", DEC chilledsupply,",", DEC chilledretrn,",",DEC retrn9,",",DEC retrn10,",", CR]
GOTO finish
SEROUT RSdin, Rbaud, [noparse][[/noparse]"DATA,",HEX2 month,"/",HEX2 date,"/",HEX2 year," ", DEC hrstime,":",HEX2 mins,":",HEX2 secs," _PM ",",",
SDEC Outside,",",DEC supply8,",", DEC retrn8,",", DEC supply11,",", DEC retrn11,",", DEC chilledsupply,",", DEC chilledretrn,",",DEC retrn9,",",DEC retrn10,",", CR]
Thanks, Randy
What is an assignment?
I can't picture using IFs and GOTOs, could you give me a short example?
There could be just one, or even none, or as many as 1024 addresses to read sequentially. It depends on how much data was writen and how long since the last dump.
An assignment statement is generally something like one of the following, depending on the context:
A = 1
B - 255
Dist = Rate * Time
Or something similar.
Bruce Bates
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Much better if you sketch out in words exactly what you're trying to do, step by step, from the standpoint of the problem to be solved like:
If the sky is grey and it's above freezing outside, then put on a light coat and carry an umbrella -or- The buffer is 16 bytes long. Starting at the beginning of the buffer, put in 2 bytes of data at a time. When the buffer is full, start over at the beginning and discard any existing saved values.
In your example, the physcal array goes from 0 to 16383, and each record is 16 bytes. That gives you 1024 possible records. The number of records * 16 modulo 16384 points to the next free memory location for write:
It is fine to store those pointers in scratchpad, but I like to store them in non volatile memory in the clock RAM.
Tracy Allen
Post Edited (Tracy Allen) : 10/13/2006 3:37:00 PM GMT
Think outside the BOX!
Yes Mike, once the brain returned to operation a couple of IFs and GOTOs and a trio of FOR NEXTs has everything working perfectly.
Tracy I haven't tried implementing your idea yet but I like it. Especiallly using the clock RAM as it has back up power. Currently I am periodicly writing the addresses to a protected DATA location in the STAMP for retrival after a power outage. Here I am worrying about wearing out a $3.00 EEPROM while writing over and over to the same location in a $50.00 STAMP when I could be doing it to a $2.50 clock that doesn't forget as its power never goes out. With as infrequently as the writes happen it will be 100 years before any of them quit but I like to learn and use what I hope is good engineering.
metron9 I downloaded the atmel info but haven't read it yet.
Again thanks