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NTSC / Application

dchurchdchurch Posts: 3
edited 2006-10-10 16:59 in Propeller 1
Sorry, I don't know much about Stamps, Propellers...
I have an ongoing need for a circuit that will output a simple logo and·a few lines of·text in NTSC format.
I plan to duplicate a dozen of these every month or two.
The Propeller chip appears to be a good fit for this need but I'm currently stupid here.· The good news (or bad depending on how you look at it) is that this is the only plan that I currently have for the chip_ so I don't have a need to become smart on other functions.
Is the Propeller a favorite chip for this?
What would you suggest for programming hardware?
I don't see·where the PropStick or Demo Board are set up for programming and then efficiently·replacing the·Propeller/EEPROM chips.· I guess I could buy the PropStick and·start from there.· Or is there a schematic for this type of programmer application?
I am·good at making circuit boards.· I·suspect I would need to make a programming board with·two IC sockets (ZIF), one for the Propeller chip and one for the 24LC256 EEPROM.· I could permanently mount the other parts (crystal, video out...) on the programming board.· Once I have the logo and text programmed into my PC I·would send it to the programming board, then test the·NTSC signal,·unplug the Propeller and EEPROM chips and solder them into the product circuit board.

Any thoughts are appreciated,



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-10-10 05:47
    I don't know if the Propeller is a favorite chip, but it can produce NTSC video with only a couple of resistors (3 actually) and an RCA jack to connect to (plus a voltage regulator, crystal, that kind of stuff).

    A PropClip or PropPlug would be a suitable programming interface that you would remove when done. The PropClip has the advantage that you don't even need pins to plug into, you can just have some pads at the edge of the board to connect to.

    Why make a separate programming board when you could just use the production board as long as it had the 4 pads at the edge for the PropClip? There are no other parts that you'd need for the production board that you wouldn't need for the programming board and vice versa. If you're good at making SMT boards, use the SMT version of all the parts. You could do the whole thing in not much more than a square inch (except for the power and video connectors).
  • James LongJames Long Posts: 1,181
    edited 2006-10-10 16:59

    I sent you a private message.

    But yes....what you are asking is very easy and feasible.

    James L
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