Syntax for baud in SX/B
Hi Guys/Chaps/Mense (Choose option depending on nationality)
I'm using the code from one of the Nuts and Volts examples, the baud rate is defined as
Baud·· con·· "OT38400"
Please help - What is the syntax and what·are the options for this string. I've searched the help files as well as this forum and can find nothing.
Thanks and kind regards on this sunny spring day in Kwa Dukuza
John Bond
I'm using the code from one of the Nuts and Volts examples, the baud rate is defined as
Baud·· con·· "OT38400"
Please help - What is the syntax and what·are the options for this string. I've searched the help files as well as this forum and can find nothing.
Thanks and kind regards on this sunny spring day in Kwa Dukuza
John Bond
There are four "modes":
"T" = True [noparse][[/noparse]0=Low; 1=High]
"N" = Inverted [noparse][[/noparse]0=High; 1=Low]
"OT" = Open True [noparse][[/noparse]Open=Low; 1=High]
"ON" = Open Inverted [noparse][[/noparse]0 = Low; Open = High]
The baud rate can be any value as long as the clock frequency can support it.
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I see the time of your reply is the wee hours of the morning. By the way, do you ever sleep?
Kind Regards from the·dark continent.
John Bond
Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·
Low power SD Data Logger
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Don't mistake experience for intelligence. And vis-vera.