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MoBoProp? — Parallax Forums


jcpolejcpole Posts: 92
edited 2006-10-05 19:10 in Propeller 1
Hi Parallax people...

The documentation for the new PWR-I/O-DB daughterboard mentions that it is compatible with a MoBoProp.· Does this mean that we should be looking out for a MoBoStamp version containing a Propeller?

Also, at the risk of achieving broken record status, was there ever any resolution to the concept of a Propeller-based PDB?



Jamie C. Pole
Principal Consultant
J.C. Pole & Associates, Inc.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,387
    edited 2006-10-05 02:40

    Yes on both items. The MoBoProp will be similar to what you're seeing with the MoBoStamppe, except it will use a Prop. I'm sure there are more differences and Phil can point them out.

    The Propeller PDB is still in the final phases of prototype status. We're in the final hours of ordering our last prototype.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • jcpolejcpole Posts: 92
    edited 2006-10-05 02:48
    Awesome - thanks for the quick reply.


    Jamie C. Pole
    Principal Consultant
    J.C. Pole & Associates, Inc.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2006-10-05 06:41
    Hi All,

    Now that the MoBoStamp has been unveiled, it's possible to give some hints about the bigger picture. Yes, there's a Propeller version of this board in the works: the MoBoProp. Here's a photo of the first MoBoProp proto:


    It's designed to be compatible with most of the MoBoStamp's upcoming daughterboards. I say "most" because it's hard to project ahead of time what compatibility issues might arise. But every daughterboard will be designed with both Stamp and Propeller compatibility in mind, insofar as it's possible. But some daughterboards, like the PropCAM for example, will work only with the Propeller board.

    Here's a quick rundown of the differences and similarities between the two boards:
    • In the MoBoStamp, Vdd can be selected as either 3.3V or 5V. In the MoBoProp, it's 3.3V only. However, on both boards, Vdd (whatever it might be) and +5V are fed to both daughterboard sockets.
    • Like the MoBoStamp, the MoBoProp can be powered entirely by the USB port.
    • The MoBoStamp has two AVR coprocessors that are missing from the MoBoProp. (The Propeller don't need no stinkin' coprocessors!)
    • The AVRs on the MoboStamp provide two analog inputs each, so I've included analog input networking on the MoBoProp corresponding to those same daughterboard pins. This networking is shared with completely separate I/O pins on the Prop to accommodate digital I/O as well. However, I do expect there to be cases where the MoBoStamp's AVR analog inputs will be a better fit for an app than the Propeller's.
    • The AVRs also provide hardware PWM outputs, which the Propeller is quite capable of performing in software.
    • In the MoboStamp, two of the daughterboard pins are bussed through both daughterboard connectors, as well as being connected to the BASIC Stamp. This was done to enable daughter-to-daughter communication without the Stamp having to intermediate. In the MoBoProp, the bussing has been separated. The reasoning here is that the Propeller is more than capable of mediating any kind of daughter-to-daughter comms.
    • The MoBoProp also includes a stereo phone jack that provides both video and monaural audio outputs that are not present on the MoBoStamp.
    There's much yet to be done to flesh out the combined motherboard/daughterboard product lines. But I'm sold on the benefits of a modular approach and on cross-platform compatibility. The idea is to provide an easy foundation from which to build one-off or multiple units of an application without having to fabricate a bunch of stuff from scratch, as well as to provide a segue between the BASIC Stamp and the Propeller.

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2006-10-05 17:01
    Sid (from the other thread),

    The SSOP in the lower lefthand corner is an FT232R USB chip. The 2x12 headers include eight data lines, +5V, Vdd, Gnd, and (on the lefthand DB socket only) Vin. Just to give a sense of scale, the mounting holes are on one-inch centers; the board measures 2.75" x 1.35".

  • RsadeikaRsadeika Posts: 3,837
    edited 2006-10-05 18:53
    I guess a couple of questions.

    Is this going to be a kit form, or will it be assembled. Is the price target around $80 (in an assembled form), or will it much more, and approx time of availability.

    The daughter cards, will you be able to stack them, and what would be the limit of the stack.

    The BasicStamp MoBo uses pbasic, firmware, and eventual programming of the SX chip itself, will the MoBoProp come with preinstalled "firmware", or do we program the functionality ourselves. Or is their an OS in the works to make this a painless process.

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2006-10-05 19:10

    Due to the proliferation of SMD parts, the MoBoProp will, of necessity, be pre-assembled. It's too soon to speculate on pricing or timing, since the major thrust right now is to get more daughtercards in the pipe.

    The daughtercards are not stackable. Each motherboard will accommodate two daughtercards. However, there's nothing to rule out a super daughtercard that multiplexes additional standard daughtercards.

    The reason for including standard firmware with the MoBoStamp is that most pBASIC programmers have no experience with AVR programming. Each daughtercard that requires it will come with an AVR hex file that will load into its associated coprocessor. The Propeller is a different story, however. The daughtercard firmware "drivers" are written with the same tools that Propeller programmers are already familiar with, so there's less of a reason to provide canned firmware. OTOH, some daughtercards, like the PropCAM, might require such extensive support software that pre-programmed objects will be a necessity.

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