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Propeller and Touch LEDs

NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
edited 2006-10-01 15:25 in Propeller 1
My mill program and my Prop-to-Stamp are qorking very well, so I was looking for something else to play with.· I dug up a board with four touch LED switches and decided to try that with the Prop.· This time I made the Stamp the Master and the Prop the slave.· When I touch one of the LEDs, the Stamp sends a byte command to the Prop.· Depending on the byte, the Prop then executes a task.· Right now Prop displays a unique statement in response to a byte command, and if I can display a command, I can launch a rocket.· One of the bytes from the Stamp terminates the communication between Stamp and Prop and sends Prop back to its own Start Menu.

It worked so well I decided to make a board with six LED switches.· Each switch takes two I/O lines, one for the anode and one for the cathode.· I was experimenting with different ways to save I/O lines and I found out that if you connect the anode of LED 5 to the anode of LED 1, but take the cathode of LED 5 to a different pin, you can get additional switches with only one I/O lines.· Four of the switches take eight I/O lines, the two additional switches only take lne I/O line each so I have six switches using 10 I/O lines.· Two lines for serin/serout leaves me four free lines, technically giving the the capability of 10 LED switches.· The problem is real estate - my six switches are arranged along the bottom edge of the board, spaced .650 apart, which makes my board four inches long.· The .650 spacing in about the minimum spacing to avoid actuating two switches at one.· Since about 5 inches is the max left-to-right capacity of SuperMill I'm limited to the six.· I'm sure that will be enough for now.· If I use the Toggle mode, five switches will let me start and stop five tasks on the Prop, with one switch left for ending the communication.


Sid Weaver
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