Boebot capacity question
I am looking to build a boebot with several add-ons and was hoping for a quick sanity check before embarking. Basically I want to build the following list and am hoping for confirmation that this is a workable configuration (ie I won't run out of power, IO space, etc)
- USB Boe-Bot
-- standard IR sensor
-- standard light sensor
-- Typical touch/bump sensor
- Crawler kit
- Gripper kit
- Remote control
- Ping Ultrasonic sensor
- TSL-230 sensor
- An LED (with appropriate resistor) switchable from the BS2
The plan is to have all sensors & the remote monitored programmatically the servo and LED programmatically controlled.
I am looking to build a boebot with several add-ons and was hoping for a quick sanity check before embarking. Basically I want to build the following list and am hoping for confirmation that this is a workable configuration (ie I won't run out of power, IO space, etc)
- USB Boe-Bot
-- standard IR sensor
-- standard light sensor
-- Typical touch/bump sensor
- Crawler kit
- Gripper kit
- Remote control
- Ping Ultrasonic sensor
- TSL-230 sensor
- An LED (with appropriate resistor) switchable from the BS2
The plan is to have all sensors & the remote monitored programmatically the servo and LED programmatically controlled.
· To do all that you'll likely have to go with a BS2p or BS2e; they have more program memory, but it's selectable as banks.· And with all of that stuff running (seriously,·you have·a shopping list), you'll likely have to come up with additional power, too (more stuff, more batteries; more batteries, more weight; more weight, more batteries.)
· [noparse][[/noparse]Just an un-official surmise, this.]
The crawler vs wheels doesn't seem like it would be a significant additional load but the gripper must (I assume) be a killer for weight and power and then all of those sensors add up. I'll start proiritizing.