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how to start with Propeller? — Parallax Forums

how to start with Propeller?

basicstampedebasicstampede Posts: 214
edited 2006-09-28 17:13 in Propeller 1
I've been using BS2 for several years and now wish to learn about Propeller.
I have no background in object oriented programming (but do have experience in C and BASIC).

Can anyone suggest how I get started on the Propeller?· Do I need to learn OOP first before attempting to learn Propelloer?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-28 17:13
    The Propeller does use some features of object oriented programming like separate modules with limited exporting of names (only 'public' subroutine names and declared constant names are accessible from outside the module), but many of the other features that really define OOP are not there. I wouldn't worry about learning OOP.

    Best thing is to download the manual (or buy the printed version) and go through some of the examples on this forum (like SPIN code examples for beginners). You should buy either the Propeller Demo Board or the Hydra Board when it comes out (soon) and start experimenting. If you have a spare PS/2 keyboard and video monitor and some parts like in the What's in a Microcontroller? parts kit, you'll be set. There is the BS2 compatibility object which provides a lot of the functions of the BS2 and some of the examples in the Parallex Object Exchange use these.
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