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Need help with motor control and touch sensors — Parallax Forums

Need help with motor control and touch sensors

SomniumSomnium Posts: 46
edited 2006-09-29 15:51 in Propeller 1
I'm working on this project for school with the Propeller chip and was wondering how to control motors, such as move it a certain distance or for a certain amount of time. Also, if it is possible, how to implement touch sensors so that it activates the motors. A link to locations to where I could get info would be great. Thanx!!


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-28 14:09
    If you would like advice, you will have to provide more information. For example, what kind of motors? Servo motors? Stepping motors? Ordinary dc motors? What kind of power levels? What kind of touch sensors?

    There are objects in the Propeller Object Exchange for controlling servo motors if that's what you're working with. Have a look at them. There is a compatibility library for Stamp use that provides many of the functions of Stamp Basic (like PULSIN, PULSOUT and SERIN/SEROUT) so you can use a lot of the examples (minimally modified for the Propeller) in the Parallax Stamps in Class series of books that can be freely downloaded. I would start with the "Robotics with the BOE-BOT" book.
  • SomniumSomnium Posts: 46
    edited 2006-09-29 00:57
    well... currently i have 1.5-3V DC motor, no touch sensors yet....

    I'm doing this project for a class where I'm making a marble maze that is activated by sound. The sound activated the motor that will push the marble, and while the marble moves it will make sounds which will be recorded and sent out combined with the sound that came in to the next project from a different student. I just started learning about the Propeller chip and also started taking a class on it so I have no idea how to do anything with it. Also would help if this will or will not work with the Propeller chip. Mainly using the propeller chip because I have it.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-29 04:48
    OK, how much current does the motor draw (minimum and maximum (stalled))? Does it have to go forward and backward or just in one direction? There are some example in Nuts and Volts #100 including one showing a single 2N7000 FET controlling a small 12V motor. The same circuit should work with a 3V supply and the Propeller. It's very simple to set up a short program in a cog that outputs a variable width pulse a hundred times a second. The wider the pulse, the more power to the motor and the faster it goes. If you need to make the motor go in either direction, you need what's called an H-bridge. You might search the forums and the internet in general for this. There are lots of tested sample circuits out there.
  • SomniumSomnium Posts: 46
    edited 2006-09-29 13:16
    thanx fo the replies... i'll try and see what I could dig up with what you said... where is the Nuts and Volts #100? is it isn the Object Exchange?... oh and what is the object exchange exactly?
  • simonlsimonl Posts: 866
    edited 2006-09-29 13:25
    Hi Somnium,

    Mike's referring to the 'Nuts & Volts' magazine. I think some of it's articles are online, but I'm not sure where.

    Th Object Exchange is a website ( where anyone can provide / get software objects created for the Propeller.



  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-09-29 15:51
    The nuts and volts columns are availible here:

    (Accessible via the Main Site > Downloads > Nuts and Volts)

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
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