Controlling multiple servos
Hi there,
I am new to microcontrollers and am enjoying learning and doing my little projects using the Parallax BS2PX24 microcontroller and the Professional Development Board (PDB). Its awesome for electronic projects. I am building a robotic arm with 6 servos. Although, I can wire the 6 servos to be controller by my BS2, that leaves little I/O pins for other stuff.
Is there a better way to control 5 servos efficiently without hogging lots of I/O pins. Moreover, the PDB has only 2 channels for servos.
Aaqil Khan
I am new to microcontrollers and am enjoying learning and doing my little projects using the Parallax BS2PX24 microcontroller and the Professional Development Board (PDB). Its awesome for electronic projects. I am building a robotic arm with 6 servos. Although, I can wire the 6 servos to be controller by my BS2, that leaves little I/O pins for other stuff.
Is there a better way to control 5 servos efficiently without hogging lots of I/O pins. Moreover, the PDB has only 2 channels for servos.
Aaqil Khan
In addition to being able to control 16 Servos, it also takes care of sending out the repeating pulses, kind of a set and forget, taking the load of managing the servo positions from your Stamp, and leaving more room for code as well as other I/O.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
Actually, minutes after posting my question on this forum, I found out about the PSC that u mentioned.
Best regards,
aaqil khan
You answered my question few days back about controlling multiple servos with the Parallax servo controller.
Theres a hobby electronics store near my house and they have the following a pololu servo controller [noparse][[/noparse] ]
Is this the same thing?
Nothing is the same as a Parallax product. Where else can you get the level of support that Parallax offers?
From a "high level functionality" point of view, I guess they would both do more or less the same thing.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10