RS-232 Control of a projector? HELP...
Rob Schultz
Posts: 1
I would like to control the power up and power down of a a Dell5100MP projector via the RS-232 port on the rear.· I have a dry contact closure that I can use to a controller and then have the controller send one set up ASCII commands to turn the projector ON (contact closed) and another set of commands to turn the projector OFF (contact open).· Does anyone know where I would start in trying to make a device like this with a BASIC STAMP?· The connection to the projector must be at a Baud Rate: 19200, Data Bits: 8, Parity: None, and Stop Bits: 1.·
This seems like a very simple device that I would think would have already been made by someone else, but I haven't found it.· I haven't done any work with any Basic Stamp products so this project will be interesting.· I need to make a number of these to control some projectors I am installing.
This seems like a very simple device that I would think would have already been made by someone else, but I haven't found it.· I haven't done any work with any Basic Stamp products so this project will be interesting.· I need to make a number of these to control some projectors I am installing.
The "device" of which you speak is a Parallax PBASIC Stamp and possibly a MAX-232 (or equivalent) line driver IC, if needed That should be all there is to it.
If this were my project, I would opt for a BS-2SX, due to its greater speedand banked memory, but you may well be able to do it with an ordinary BS-2.
Bruce Bates
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See the attached.· Note that like half the code is 'debounce' code for your contact press.
This would work on the 'homework' board, or the full blown BS2 with BOE-board.
Edit:· Hmm, reviewing this, I selected the 'baud mode' constant (that 16468 value) for 9600 baud.· You'll need to find the one for 19200 baud, and set the 'inverted' flag.
Post Edited (allanlane5) : 9/27/2006 1:55:47 PM GMT