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graycode to binary code — Parallax Forums

graycode to binary code

nick bernardnick bernard Posts: 329
edited 2011-05-09 13:14 in General Discussion
continuing from

how does this look? could it be more concise? i always have trouble juggling bits with asm and i could use some help testing the script.

i've implemented:
Let B[noparse][[/noparse]n:0] the array of bits in the usual binary representation
Let G[noparse][[/noparse]n:0] the array of bits in Gray code
for i=n-1 down to i=0 {G[noparse][[/noparse] i]=B[noparse][[/noparse]i+1] XOR B[noparse][[/noparse] i]}

or if you prefer it graphically

FREQ 50_000_000
reset main

binary DS 1
gray DS 1
mask DS 1
ax DS 1
bx DS 1
cx DS 1

watch ax,8,UBIN
watch bx,8,UBIN
watch gray,8,UBIN110111
watch binary,8,UDEC
watch mask,8,UBIN
mov gray, #%0010_0111 ;G 53
mov binary, gray
mov mask, #%0100_0000
clr cx
movb gray.7, cx.0
mov w, binary
mov ax, w
mov bx, w

rr ax
and ax, mask
and bx, mask
xor ax, bx
jz set_0
or binary, mask
jmp next
not mask
and binary, mask
not mask
rr mask
jmp top
jmp stick

engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]

Post Edited (nick bernard) : 9/25/2006 7:15:06 PM GMT


  • wbahnwbahn Posts: 13
    edited 2006-09-26 07:01
    The approach you are using has some serious delay. The delay is O(n). This may not be an issue for your application.
    If you need it to run faster, you can use an O(log(n)) algorithm.

    For 8 bits, you basically have the following steps (in pseudocode):

    Load Gray code value into REG
    REG = (REG) XOR (REG >> 4) (>> means right shift, shifting zeros into the left side)
    REG = (REG) XOR (REG >> 2)
    REG = (REG) XOR (REG >> 1)
    The value in REG is now the binary value.

    If you are working with 16 bits, you only need to add a line that shifts it 8 places.

    NOTE: I'm assuming you are using a reflected Gray code - but I figure that's a pretty safe bet since your approach is only valid for that same type of Gray code.

  • nick bernardnick bernard Posts: 329
    edited 2006-09-26 19:34
    HTH, you're my savior, that algorithm is sweet. i'll have to read up on log algorithms bc that seems to be some powerful juju.
    this is my revised procedure.

    cx = __PARAM1

    'REG = (REG) XOR (REG >> 4) (>> means right shift, shifting zeros into the left side)
    'REG = (REG) XOR (REG >> 2)
    'REG = (REG) XOR (REG >> 1)

    mov ax, cx
    rr cx
    rr cx
    rr cx
    rr cx
    xor ax, cx
    mov cx, ax
    rr cx
    rr cx
    xor ax, cx
    mov cx, ax
    rr cx
    xor ax, cx
    RETURN ax

    engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]
  • wbahnwbahn Posts: 13
    edited 2006-09-30 04:07
    Glad that helped, Nick.

    BTW, the HTH are not my initials (but I can sure see why it looked that way). It's net shorthand for "hope that helps".

    The O(something) is called "Big-O" notation. It relates to fields such as Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Computational Complexity, and others.·The·'O' is for "order". Saying that something·is·O(n) means that·it scales linearly with the size of the problem. In your case, if you double then number of bits in the gray code word, then you double the amount of effort/time to convert it to binary. For most meaningful problems, O(n) solutions are considered quite nice - it's actually pretty seldom we can do that good.

    Technically,·O() describes the behavior·as the size of the problem grows to very large values and doesn't always apply too well to small versions of the·problem.

    If something is O(log(n)) it means that (for large n) when you square the size of the problem, the amount of effort only doubles. That is, indeed, powerful juju - when you can find a way to pull it off.


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-09-30 12:37
    Just so I understand "Big-O" notation. Would a binary search (on a sorted array) be considered O(log(n)) ? If not what would it be ?


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  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2006-09-30 16:16
    Hi Bill,

    Hey! neat algorithm. What is a reflected Gray code, vs. its opposite? Here is the standard progresssion, I thought, is it "reflected"?

    Gray Bin
    0000 0000
    0001 0001
    0011 0010
    0010 0011
    0110 0100
    0111 0101
    0101 0110
    0100 0111
    1100 1000
    1101 1001
    1111 1010
    1110 1011
    1010 1100
    1011 1101
    1001 1110
    1000 1111
    0000 again

    Terry, the binary search is O(log2 N). Double the number of samples adds only one iteration to the search.

    The notion of "O" is important in convolutions, where the goal of things like the FFT and number theoretic transforms is to reduce the number of multiplications required. In a large array, a standard transform requires O(n^2) multiplicatons. The FFT reduces it to O(n log n), which is a great improvement when n is large. It is not as good as O(n), but it is very good for a convolution. For arithmentic computations, CORDIC algorithms are very efficient, because they are basically a binary search algorithm that involves shifts and compares, no general multplications. So CORDIC can compute functions like SIN and COS in O(log n).

    Tracy Allen
  • wbahnwbahn Posts: 13
    edited 2006-10-01 00:27
    The best way I can think of to describe a reflected Gray code is to describe how to construct it.

    A reflected Gray code can be constructed by taking the (reflected) Gray code pattern for n bits and constructing a pattern for n+1 bits by appending a reversed copy of the current pattern to the end of the current pattern and then adding a new bit that is one state for the original part and the other state for the new part.

    For instance, the simplist Gray code is a 1-bit Gray code:


    To construct a 2-bit reflected Gray code, we (1) append a reflected copy of the current code to the end:


    and then (2) add a new bit that changes state at the midpoint:


    Notice how the upper two bits are both square waves at twice the frequency of the overall code but are in quadrature to each other.

    Repeating this process to get a 3-bit code:


    And 4-bits:


    Now, I need to correct something I said originally. When I said that both algorithms (the original cascaded XORs and the O(log(n)) one that I offered) were for reflected Gray codes, I was being sloppy to the point of being flat wrong. There is a specific Gray code that both techniques work for and, it just happens, that Gray code is one example of a reflected Gray code. There are tons of Gray codes (in fact, any code other than this particular one) that are reflected but which can not be converted to binary using either algorithm.

    Both algorithms really stem not from the reflected nature of the code, but from another property that could be used to construct this particular code. Consider binary addition - whenever a binary value in incremented, the new value can be generated from the old by toggling the b least significant bits. For instance:


    Can be incremented by toggling the 4 least significant bits to get:


    Since a Gray code merely requires that, in going from one code to the next, only a single bit be changed, we can construct a Gray code from binary addition by simply toggling the bit corresponding to the boundary between bits that get flipped and bits that don't. So the Gray codes for the two values above would be identical except for the 4th bit from the right.

    This construction leads to an O(1) algorithm (also known as a "constant time" algorithm) for converting from Binary to Gray. Bit n in the Gray code value is simply the XOR of bits n and n+1 of the Binary code value. It doesn't matter how wide the Binary value is, we can convert it to Gray in the same amount of time. For an N-bit code, bit N+1 of the binary value is considered to be LO - which only makes sense since that would be the case if we think of working with the first half of a N+1 bit Binary sequence.

    So how do we convert from Gray to Binary using this code?

    Our algorithm for going from Binary to Gray is simple:

    Gray[noparse][[/noparse]n] = Binary[noparse][[/noparse]n] XOR Binary[noparse][[/noparse]n+1]

    It is always true that:

    If C = A XOR B, then A = C XOR B.


    Binary[noparse][[/noparse]n] = Gray[noparse][[/noparse]n] XOR Binary[noparse][[/noparse]n+1]

    This means that, given the Binary value for bit n+1 and the Gray value for bit n, we can determine the Binary value for bit n.

    To get the ball rolling, we just need one bit of the Binary value obtained through some means other than this relationship. But we have that. A consequence of assuming that bit N+1 of the binary value is LO is that the MSB of the Gray code and the Binary code are identical. This, then, gives the hook for progressively converting from Gray to Binary and leads directly to the cascaded XOR algorithm in the original post.
  • pjvpjv Posts: 1,903
    edited 2006-10-01 00:58
    Hi All;

    Wow, some heavy and great analysis !


    Peter (pjv)
  • Kevin WoodKevin Wood Posts: 1,266
    edited 2006-10-01 11:39
    I had to do some research to follow this thread, which eventually turned up this link, which others may find useful:

    Numerical Recipes Books Online -
  • Peter VerkaikPeter Verkaik Posts: 3,956
    edited 2006-10-01 11:55
    Here is another nice resource:

    regards peter
  • Guenther DaubachGuenther Daubach Posts: 1,321
    edited 2006-11-20 18:27
    Hi SX-ers,

    today, I had to interface a multi-turn absolute encoder with a resolution of 13 bits/turn, allowing for a total of 4096 turns. Thus, this beast is returning a 25 bit Gray code that I needed to convert into binary for later serial transmission.

    I remembered this thread about Gray code conversion, so I thought I might share my conversion routine with you:

    ; Gray to Binary
    ; Expects 32 bit Gray Code in GData+3 (HOB) ... GData+0 (LOB) 
    ; stores conversion result in the same registers.
        mov     Counter, #33            ; Prepare for 33 shifts (32 bits plus carry)
        clr     BitCount                ; Counter for subsequent 1 bits to handle the XOR
        clc                             ; Prepare carry for a "clean start"
        snb     GData+3.7               ; When highest bit is set, increment the bit counter
          inc   BitCount
        snb     GData+3.6               ; When the next lower bit is set, increment the bit counter once again
          inc   BitCount
        mov        w, --Counter            ; Check if we are about to do the last shift to get back what's in the Carry flag
          jmp    :LastBit                ; Don't XOR bits in this case
        movb    GData+3.6, BitCount.0   ; This XORs the GData+3.7, and GData+3.6 bits, i.e. when the two bits are equal,
                                        ; BitCount is even (i.e. BitCount.0 = clear) - when the two bits are not equal,
                                        ; BitCount is odd  (i.e. BitCount.0 = set). So, BitCount.0 is the XOR of the two 
                                        ; source bits, and the result goes into GData+3.6
        rl      GData+3                 ; Shift the next bits into GData+3.7 and GData+3.6 for XORing, and shift the
        rl      GData+0                 ; Carry flag with the second-last result into GData+0.0
        rl      GData+1
        rl      GData+2
        decsz   Counter                 ; More bits to go?
          jmp   :Loop6                  ; yes
    ; Continue with instructions to handle the converted Gray code here...

    You may increase or decrease the number of code bytes to be handled. The Counter variable must always be initialized to the total number of bits plus one. Bit-checking and manipulation must always take place with bits 7 and 6 of the highest order byte, and following the :LastBit label, the highest order byte must be rotated left first, followed by the remaining bytes from lowest to higher order. So, for a 16 bit Gray code value, the routine would look like this:

    ; Gray to Binary
    ; Expects 16 bit Gray Code in GData+1 (HOB) ... GData+0 (LOB) 
    ; stores conversion result in the same registers.
        mov     Counter, #17            ; Prepare for 17 shifts (16 bits plus carry)
        clr     BitCount                ; Counter for subsequent 1 bits to handle the XOR
        clc                             ; Prepare carry for a "clean start"
        snb     GData+1.7               ; When highest bit is set, increment the bit counter
          inc   BitCount
        snb     GData+1.6               ; When the next lower bit is set, increment the bit counter once again
          inc   BitCount
        mov        w, --Counter            ; Check if we are about to do the last shift to get back what's in the Carry flag
          jmp    :LastBit                ; Don't XOR bits in this case
        movb    GData+1.6, BitCount.0   ; This XORs the GData+1.7, and GData+1.6 bits, i.e. when the two bits are equal,
                                        ; BitCount is even (i.e. BitCount.0 = clear) - when the two bits are not equal,
                                        ; BitCount is odd  (i.e. BitCount.0 = set). So, BitCount.0 is the XOR of the two 
                                        ; source bits, and the result goes into GData+1.6
        rl      GData+!                 ; Shift the next bits into GData+!.7 and GData+!.6 for XORing, and shift the
        rl      GData+0                 ; Carry flag with the second-last result into GData+0.0
        decsz   Counter                 ; More bits to go?
          jmp   :Loop6                  ; yes
    ; Continue with instructions to handle the converted Gray code here...

    Greetings from Germany,

  • crystalgirlcrystalgirl Posts: 1
    edited 2011-05-08 06:22
    HTH, you're my savior, that algorithm is sweet. i'll have to read up on log algorithms bc that seems to be some powerful juju.
    this is my revised procedure.

    cx = __PARAM1

    'REG = (REG) XOR (REG >> 4) (>> means right shift, shifting zeros into the left side)
    'REG = (REG) XOR (REG >> 2)
    'REG = (REG) XOR (REG >> 1)

    mov ax, cx
    rr cx
    rr cx
    rr cx
    rr cx
    xor ax, cx
    mov cx, ax
    rr cx
    rr cx
    xor ax, cx
    mov cx, ax
    rr cx
    xor ax, cx
    RETURN ax

    engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]

    1)could you tell me what cx is ? is it a register?

    2) this part " rr cx" , i couldn't understand it, plz explain it , if it's possible for u
  • ZootZoot Posts: 2,227
    edited 2011-05-09 13:14
    cx would be some defined register (either in SX/B or in assembly).

    RR stands for "rotate right" -- essentially dividing the byte (register) by 2, presuming the carry has been cleared first (CLC instruction)
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