EEPROM memory
Posts: 4
So heres the dealio, I'm typing what could be quite a long code that one Parallax "Board of education" eeprom may not be able to hold it.· Are the boards that have much higher capacity eeprons, and if there isn't or they are to expensive, is it possible to piggy-back two eeproms for more data storage?· If theres some one who can help it would be much appreciated, my high school graduation depends on this code.
·· Sub programs would be a more accurate assessment, since subroutines sort of implies you can call across slots, which you cannot.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
what I'm doing is replecating the effects of a pacemaker on a heart that is in fibrillation using IFTHEN statements and subroutines.· Stuff like pressing a pushbutton linked to· an if then statement that activates a subroutine to simulate (example) left atrial fibrillation.· Then using a charged capacitor to send a high signal to pin 3 to act as a charge that a pacemaker would send to the heart (please forgive my rambling)
my point being I'm going to have to simulate every singal problem with the heart that a pacemaker can correct, accept all I have for the program is 1 school issued EEPROM a parallax board to connect it to and little to no funds to buy better eeproms, so if it's possible to connect 2 together to get more memory that would be tghe best solution.
As far as·your graduation depending on the code, I don't know all of your details, but I would be comfortable saying that most of your grade will more likely be
determined by how well your project is presented.· That means that everything that happens along the way good or bad, if it works or doesn't work should be well
documented and included in your final report.· It should be clear and to the point with a definite purpose in mind.·
For program memory, I don't think this project would require·an incredibly huge amount·for the·program itself, but it may need a relatively large amount of memory
to carry out the various simulations (I don't know how complex some of these patterns might be).· In this case though, you could use a variety of external memories
available that could "talk" to the Stamp.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
What is it you actually have to do? Do you have to display something, light LEDs, make sounds, what? That will determine how complex your program has to be. In representing A-fib or other arrhythmias, how much detail do you need?
So far my idea is to have 4 LED's blinking to simulate the pumping of each heart valve, then I'm going to have an undetermined amount of pushbuttons, each representing a problem with the heart that a pacemaker can correct.· Along with a capacitor that I can use to send a high signal to simulate sending a charge to the heart
Also, if I can do it, most pacemakers have an internal memory that keeps a record of your heart rate, basically a small electro cardiograph, that doctors can access to keep track of a patients history.· You don't have to worry about helping me with that, I'm unsure if I'm going to do it.
ps I understand what you're saying about simplifying a very complex system.· thats why I'm thinking of basing this off older more simple·models of pacemakers, then in my presentation showing my circuit and then showing how far we've come since then...if it gets to complicated
Beau Schwabe
You were curious about the data I'm basing this off of?
My mom is a physical·therapist for the Visiting Nurses Association and she knows a lot of people at the Framingham Hospital I believe (I've broken a lot of bones in my life).· I can talk to them·about details such as the time duration between the opening and closing of each heart valve.· If I got the seconds I could easily convert it to ms and program a heart beat quite easily ^_^