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Interfacing the AD3370 to Bs2 — Parallax Forums

Interfacing the AD3370 to Bs2

azraelazrael Posts: 4
edited 2006-09-18 20:53 in BASIC Stamp
·Dear Forum,

·I am confuse in connecting the AD7730 to the BS2.
·Do we need a clock or timing to calculate the weight.

·Could you please let me know·how to connect the AD7730 to the Bs2.
·I figured·how to connect the thin bridge laod cell to the AD7730 and already have·a sample code from·

·My project is a toy which measures·a weight and shows it on a lcd screen.
·Any advice or recomendations will be really appreciated.



  • Mohamed RefkyMohamed Refky Posts: 47
    edited 2006-09-18 20:53
    AD7730 BS2

    (SCLK) pin1
    pin12 (P7)
    (DIN) pin22
    pin13 (P8)
    (DOUT) pin21
    pin14 (P9)
    (RDY) pin20
    pin15 (P10)

    To calculate the weight for 5kg load cell with 2mV/V o/p:

    Input range = 10
    16 bit mode
    5V excitation voltage

    weight = code**5000 'weight in grams

    For full-scale calibration use your software to correct the value.
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