Migrate JIDE Direct and JIDE Debug to Visual C++
I have been working with the published source for JIDE Direct and JIDE Debug.· I am glad that Parallax has chosen to "open source" these two utilities.· I have been able to compile and use these two utilities.· Unfortunately there are some limitations.·
I ran into some small roadblocks with the utilities, specifically getting responsiveness on this section of code:
· while (1) {
··· ch = jvm->GetChar(kAckWait);
··· switch (state) {
I would like to embrace / extend these 2 utilities but doing so has given me some concerns.· I guess my biggest concern is that the utilities are dependent upon Delphi components and Borland C++ Builder and Borland classes.·
I am curious about a couple of things.· What is the future for the Javelin Stamp development environment?· Does Parallax plan to develop the Javelin stamp "interface" further?· Does Parallax plan to move away from the Borland tools (given that Borland plans to obsolete them)?·
I ran into some small roadblocks with the utilities, specifically getting responsiveness on this section of code:
· while (1) {
··· ch = jvm->GetChar(kAckWait);
··· switch (state) {
I would like to embrace / extend these 2 utilities but doing so has given me some concerns.· I guess my biggest concern is that the utilities are dependent upon Delphi components and Borland C++ Builder and Borland classes.·
I am curious about a couple of things.· What is the future for the Javelin Stamp development environment?· Does Parallax plan to develop the Javelin stamp "interface" further?· Does Parallax plan to move away from the Borland tools (given that Borland plans to obsolete them)?·
It merely reads in characters from the serial port, discarding echoes if required.
You find·GetChar() in the file TSXComm.cpp
JideDebug is a utility I wrote, starting with the JavelinDirect source, that offers
nothing ·but displaying any messages send out the javelin ide port.
JideTerm also allows sending messages to the javelin.
These are command line tools.
The JideWinTerm utility offers the same as JideTerm but is programmed
in visual C# net.
To migrate to visual c++, I think you only need to change the serial port
driver, which is in Delphi pascal for the original source, but should be replaced
by a visual c++ class.
The IDE is currently being updated but I have no date when this becomes available.
regards peter
Post Edited (Kevin Wood) : 9/18/2006 7:18:01 PM GMT
Essentially Borland is saying that they are divesting themselves of tools.· Sunset is probably a better way of saying it.
Post Edited (para6654) : 9/18/2006 4:55:26 PM GMT
Thanks for your reply.· The problem I am having is in the getChar function.· When I try to run the app in debug, the character doesn't echo in the DOS window & the debug session doesn't seem to recognize that a character is being pressed.·
I think there are two apps that are available in source code:· JavelinDirect and JIDEDebug (which I believe is based on JavelinDirect (correct?)).· Is the source for JIDEWinTerm publicly available somewhere?
It does not allow any keyboard input. You can use JideTerm which does allow keyboard
input. After you hit enter, a message is sent to the javelin.
I must say I have never used the debugoption that is present in the source,
nor that I ever needed it. The debugoption in the source only shows error messages
in case downloading a new program fails. The JideDebug and JideTerm do not even
allow downloading a new program. For that you need JavelinDirect.
If your goal is to singlestep debug your javelin from within your own ide application,
I don't know if that is possible, because·the public sources only contain the
download function and link classes to jemfile. Any IDE related stuff has been
removed from those·sources.
The C# source is not public, but is the same as·main while loop from JideTerm,
with the same functionality. I created it by drawing a text·pane (output), a text line
(input) and a few buttons,
and used the mainloop from JideTerm to receive and send messages. Notice that
the receive method is called whenever there is a char received via the serial port.
The receive method is a statemachine (same as in JideTerm) so a message can be decoded and then
written to the output text window.
regards peter
I am basically trying to understand the different Javelin IDE components.· I would like to adapt the utilities that have been "open sourced" to work as either a COM DLL or a JBuilder plugin.· Debugging these utilities in C++ helps to understand what might be needed.