8 servo's Basic Stamp2 and PSC
Posts: 43
I want to control 8 servo's using a parallax servo controler.· I wrote the following code to move all the servo's at the same time.· The problem I am having is that between the first and the last servo theres a bit of a delay, aprox. a second or so.· I want to know if there is anyway I can get the delay down to being unnoticable.
DO pos = 1200 GOSUB SetPos PAUSE 1000 pos = 300 GOSUB SetPos PAUSE 1000 LOOP SetPos: FOR i = 0 TO 7 SEROUT sdat, baud+$8000,[noparse][[/noparse]"!SC", i, ra, pos.LOWBYTE, pos.HIGHBYTE, CR] NEXT RETURN