Rotational velocity or How fast am I going?
I just put together my first Boe Bot.· In the manual it shows a·graph (on page 115) of the velocity curve for the Parallax servos.· It suggests creating your own table of data by running the wheel/servo at various pulse widths and count the revolutions.· There has got to be a more accurate way of doing this...isn't there?
Also, the graph they show isn't linear and I don't understand why.· If I sent a range of values to the servos from 750 to 850 in 2 ms steps I would think it would follow a very linear curve.· Anyone know why it isn't that way?
Also, the graph they show isn't linear and I don't understand why.· If I sent a range of values to the servos from 750 to 850 in 2 ms steps I would think it would follow a very linear curve.· Anyone know why it isn't that way?
Now, when you modify a servo so it can rotate continuously (which is what the BOE-Bot servos are), there IS a modification that can be made to 'widen' the speed cycle. It's not trivial though. Failing that, experimenting with the range of settings to find the speed adjustement IS the best you can do.
Oh, and since this is not one of the needed parameters, it's also possible that two servo's are slightly different in their settings. More experimentation.