Serial Port Help
Posts: 11
Hello, I am currently using a Basic Stamp II with the Board of Education (USB). I would like to interface my stamp to my computers serial port (running Debian). I would like to be able to send and recieve commands with the serin/serout functions. Does anyone have a schematic that will help me figure out where to connect pin 1 and ground on the serial port? Would it be easier to just buy a board for serial programing? Is there a basic stamp programmer for unix? Thanks, nik
"SEROUT 16, 16468, [noparse][[/noparse]"hi", 13] " -- You can have the BS2 send data back to the PC.
You can download the Linux drivers for the USB chip on the adapters from FTDI:
The '16' is a pseudo-pin, to indicate to the SERIN/SEROUT command that it should use the built-in programming port. So if you can program it, you already have all the hardware necessary to use SERIN/SEROUT to the "port 16".
Well, if you HAD the serial version of the BOE-Bot, along with a USB adapter for the PC, then this would be trivially easy using SERIN/SEROUT to "port 16". If you DON'T have the serial version of the BOE-Bot, then you'll probably need an RS-232 "App-Mod", which allows you to bring out a TX pin and an RX pin to a DB-9 connector.
The issue here is that the 0 to 5 volt "TTL" signal the BOE-Bot uses on it's pins needs to be 'level shifted' with something like a MAX232 chip to meet the RS-232 +- 10 volt spec that the Linux system will be using. The App-Mod does this, AND gives you the properly wired DB-9 connector.