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Propeller OS - TV version — Parallax Forums

Propeller OS - TV version

Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
edited 2006-09-26 14:21 in Propeller 1
I've switched from using the VGA driver to using a TV text driver. Over time, I intend to support both. I'm still trying to be able to load directly from the Propeller Tool using the OS via a separate serial connection, but am having problems. The rest seems to work. Please report any problems with the text output. Note that because of screen size, the dump format is hex only.


  • ALIBEALIBE Posts: 299
    edited 2006-09-13 12:21
    I'm intrigued by your O/S. What is the purpose of such an O/S, and how does one leverage this from robotics dev perspective

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-13 13:21
    As I mentioned in another thread with the VGA version, this is intended to be a base for application development. By having a set of integrated drivers to handle the display, keyboard, and external memory with a SPIN program loader, the user can store a set of programs in external EEPROM and run them using either a command interpreter or programmatically while the display and keyboard drivers continue to operate undisturbed. In addition, there are some utility functions in the command interpreter and parts of the command interpreter are useful as routines to be incorporated into applications (like the command scanning routines).

    I plan to have a simple text editor as part of the system for creating and modifying text files for use by programs and will probably add some support for the uALFAT and USBWiz devices from GHI Electronics. These provide access to SD/MMC cards and, in the case of USBWiz, USB keychain Flash drives.

    As you might imagine, this could serve as the base for a Propeller development system if a compiler/assembler were to be written for the Propeller. It could also be used for the development of any complex system for the Propeller where a keyboard, display, and external memory would be useful, particularly where overlays or multiple modules would be needed.

    This is very much like what was considered to be the "Operating System" for early commercial/scientific computers when these had disk drives. Memory was limited, I/O drivers were complex, and the "Operating System" was mostly a file manager, loader, I/O driver set, and command interpreter for a simple command set.

    Post Edited (Mike Green) : 9/13/2006 1:27:05 PM GMT
  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-13 15:25
    Mike, I started out with the TV, then switched to vga.text, both in the office and in the shop.· I have tried vga_hires_text several times, but it appears from the Demo that you can only enter a byte at a time and that you need to call the screen address for each byte that you enter.· I finally got a small sentence entered, but I had to fill the rest of the screen with
    " ", otherwise the screen filled uop with the + sign.· Is there any way to modify the hires object so that it will work like vga.text - in other words, allow me to enter strings, use 13 for a carriage return, and so on without calling the screen address for each instance.· I would really like to use the hires version because I could get so much more data on the screen, but based on the Demo, trying to convert my program to the hires would be virtually ompossible.· Maybe I'm asking too much.· I can post a copy of my current program if you think you have a solution.· Either way, thanks.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-13 15:37
    I've already done that work in the VGA version of the OS. I essentially took the windowed version of tv_text and modified/extended it to work with the VGA hires text driver. You can download it from the other thread <>. The main routine at the beginning of "OS_initialization" sets up the I/O drivers and memory areas, then calls a command interpreter which you can discard and replace with your own application.
  • Dennis FerronDennis Ferron Posts: 480
    edited 2006-09-13 16:53
    I take it the TV mode is text-only. What's the possibility of making a combined text and graphics mode (possibly using 2 cogs?) so that graphics could be placed arbitrarily on the screen but text could be written as it is now without having to blit to the graphics buffer? (I.e., if there is a pixel on for the character, draw the pixel in the color for the text, but if the pixel is blank (background) in the character ROM, instead of making the pixel black, take it's color from the graphics buffer.) This could give you text over arbitrary backgrounds, even over images, and you could display a graphic by itself by writing spaces in that block in the text buffer.
  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-13 17:49
    Mike, I loaded your program and changed the vga basepin group from 16 to 8.

    I changed the CON for bootAddr to:

    bootAddr·· = ldr#i2cBootSCL << 28

    28 is the SCL pin and 29 is the SDA pin, both with pullups

    ·My monitor displayes the Propeller Operating System·line, then I get:

    "boot eeprom not accessible, can't continue"

    Where did I go wrong?

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-13 17:55
    If you're going to have both text and graphics, you're going to need a bitmap buffer for the screen which is pretty large. There is some advantage in having a graphics and a text layer and combining them for display, particularly for scrolling type operations. Graphics is already very limiting in terms of Propeller memory and the reason for going to text display is to minimize the screen buffer size, particularly for high resolution VGA. This would be a good project for the next generation Propeller with a bit higher speed and more HUB memory, but with the current Propeller, I'd rather see the effort put into cleaning up the current tv and vga drivers and making them compatible with each other as much as possible given the differences between tv and vga screen sizes and color capabilities.
  • Ym2413aYm2413a Posts: 630
    edited 2006-09-13 18:10
    Good work Green.
    Now I can play around with your OS. (I didn't have a spare VGA monitor sitting around)
    Thanks for investing the time into something so useful.

    --Andrew Arsenault
  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-13 18:20
    Mike, I think I'm confusing the boot EEPROM with the regular EEPROM.· What is the boot EEPRLM and where is it?··If ·I leave the bootAddr at <<18, I still get the error message.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-13 19:19
    The pin number for the boot SCL is defined at the beginning of OS_loader as i2cBootSCL (= 28). The other modules reference this. Change bootAddr back to the original definition. The EEPROM addresses (like bootAddr) consist of a 4 bit I2C pin pair number (0 - 15 = pins 0/1 - 30-31), a 3 bit device address, and a 16 bit address within the device. 32Kx8 EEPROMs only have a 15 bit address and the system checks for that. bootAddr is the address of the 32Kx8 boot EEPROM within this space. The "<< 18" just positions the pin number properly in this 23 bit EEPROM address.

    The OS checks to make sure that the bootAddr EEPROM address is present before continuing and it looked like address 0 since the upper 9 bits are ignored.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-13 19:24
    The boot EEPROM is the one attached to pins 28/29 that the Propeller automatically loads from if present. If you changed everything back except the video pins, it should all work. Let me know which version you're using and what changes you've made. I do my testing on a Demo Board and the main difference is that you have a pullup on SCL and the Demo Board does not. It shouldn't matter.
  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-13 20:00
    Mile, there is no version number on the OS Init file but the link you gave me says v1.031.

    I changed the vga start pin to 8 and left bootAddr at <<18.· I still get the error message.· The keyboard works fine - I disabled the EEPROM error line and got around that OK -· the program is waiting for an input of some kind.· I entered various keystrokes and the screen just says "unknown command".· What sort of entry is the program waiting for?· Is there a "list" of acceptable commands?· Sorry to be such a pain, but it would be really nice if I can get this program going.· I have no idea how to incorporate all of this into my existing program but I'll worry about that later.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-13 20:46
    Type "help" then a return and you'll get a list. Look in "OS_initialization" and you'll see some brief comments describing the commands. I'll have to change that message from "unknown command" to "unknown command, try 'help'".

    I don't know why you're getting the EEPROM error. Do you have a "home made" Propeller board? Are you using a PropStic? I thought I fixed the bugs involving the identification of EEPROMs.
  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-13 20:52
    Mike, I'm using a board I made on SuperMill but my other programs run fine.· It is wired up just like the Demo board, and the EEPROM works OK.

  • HarleyHarley Posts: 997
    edited 2006-09-13 22:00
    Mike Green said...
    Type "help" then a return and you'll get a list...

    When I read that, I figured it was time to try your Propeller OS. My setup is just a PropSTICK on a couple of protoboards. Wired up the TV jack, PS/2 connectors for mouse and keyboard, and 8 LEDs so far, per the Demo board pinouts.

    Was hoping I would not be running into problems like Newzed was. Nope. It ran the first time, which puts a smile on one's face. wink.gif

    Now to figure out what all one needs to do to utilize it.

    Thanks Mike for all this development effort. Makes the job of using the Propeller so much easier. This is quite some forum and group of people having a fun time. cool.gif

    Harley Shanko
    h.a.s. designn
  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-13 23:26
    Mike, I'm making progress.· Very slow but still progress.· I deleted everything after

    if not key.present
    ··· text.str(string("--> keyboard not present, can't continue"))
    ··· long[noparse][[/noparse]ldr#initMarker] := 0
    ··· abort false
    · start

    then copied and pasted the first part of my own program.· After a couple of corrections, the monitor now displays my starting menu.· It is going to be quite a job to get my whole program to run in hires because of the differences in so many of the keywords.· So.....before I start this, can I change the font size?· Or maybe change the resolution to 800x600 or to maybe 640x480 to make the letters larger?· How do I do this?

    I must say that this program looks like a monumental effort on your part.· The Propeller community owes you a very large "Thank you" !!

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-14 03:05
    You might want to leave the test for "key.present" in the program unless you do it yourself.

    If you look in "OS_vgaHiresText" you'll see 3 sets of CON definitions, one for 640 x 480, one for 800 x 600, and one for 1024 x 768. One set is active (I think the first), the other two are commented out. Simply uncomment the one you want and make the other two commented out and everything will adjust. That's really the only way to change the effective font size and it does work.

    The test for EEPROM presence is still important in that some parts of the "file system" do check for the presence of EEPROM before looking to see if there are any files present in an EEPROM. If you're not using any of the built-in commands and not using the named file stuff, it shouldn't matter. The loader will run just fine if you supply it with an EEPROM address (in the format I mentioned). You can write your own copy routines that don't use file names and just copy from EEPROM to EEPROM using addresses.
  • The CaptainThe Captain Posts: 60
    edited 2006-09-14 04:51
    Do you seen plans for making this become a gui based OS once you can get more horsepower, and memory?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-14 05:19
    The Captain,

    I really haven't made plans other than to complete what I've started using the tools (I/O drivers and Propeller) available at this time. I did finally receive a uALFAT and plan to add some support for that since it adds a huge amount of potential storage transportable between a Propeller and PC. Once there's a second generation Propeller defined and if it has enough memory and speed to provide for a TV and VGA driver without using most of the memory available for the screen buffer and possible window buffers, I could see converting to a GUI.

    I would like to further modify the tv and vga text drivers so that they're interchangable other than for screen size and the range and granularity of colors available. That way, users could develop programs independent of the display used. Similarly, it would be nice to make the tv and vga graphics drivers interchangable for the same reason. I wouldn't try to do conventional text manipulation on a graphical bitmap for speed reasons. Scrolling text in a graphics area is very processor intensive and the size of the vga bitmap very much limits what you can do on the current Propeller.
  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-14 13:31
    Mike, I've got my program running in hires - sort of.· I deleted everything except the 640x480 from OS_vga_hires_text and saved it as os_vga_hires_textA, and susbstituted it in the OBJ block.· There was no change to the font size - it is like the 1024x768 is locked in and can't be changed.

    If I press "M" at the start menu (inventory scan) and enter the part number the program responds properly.· I can scan a tag with the RFID reader and it scans OK, but it does not communicate with the Stamp.· In fact, none of the commands involving communication with the Stamp will work.· The Stamp uses Prop Pins 0 and 1, and I feel like there is a conflict somewhere like these pins are being used by the Propeller for something else.· And my Stamp gets very hot.· Went back to my original program and everything works OK.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-14 15:18
    The resolution stuff (640x480, etc.) I copied directly from Chip's VGA driver and it does work. In the uploaded copy, it's already set to 640 x 480. Maybe you've already got it set to the largest font presentation possible. 1024x768 is really tiny except on a physically large display.

    The only time the OS looks at pins other than 28/29 for the EEPROM, 26/27 for the keyboard, and 16-19 for the vga display is if you use the PROBE command which looks on the specified pair of pins for other EEPROMs. My test Demo Board has another EEPROM attached to pins 0/1 and it's ignored unless you do a "PROBE 0" command first.

    Even if the OS thought there was an EEPROM on pins 0/1, those pins are left as inputs except when the OS is attempting to read from an EEPROM there which only takes maybe 200 microseconds, not enough to cause heating. You do have current limiting resistors between the Propeller and the Stamp? You need them anyway to protect the Propeller from the Stamp's 5V I/O pins.

    You've got some strange stuff going on that doesn't make sense. Could you send me a copy of the modified OS files to look at?
  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-14 18:06
    Mike, I really appreciate yiur taking the time to help me.· I have attached two files.· One is my original program running on vga.text, which runs OK and communicates flawlessly with my Stamp.· The other is the first part of your OS program to which I have appended my original program.· If I enter "M" at the start menu, I get all the expected responses.· Apparently I have no communication with the Stamp at all.· Also, it I try to toggle the display on and off by entering "T", the display turns on but will not come back on when I hit "T" again.· See Line 128.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-14 18:53
    I looked at your program and I can't see any reason for the Stamp communication not to work. The only cogs running in addition to the main one are: 2 for VGA video and these are Chip's VGA driver, 1 for keyboard and this is also unmodified, 1 for I2C and this is idle - just waiting for a command. None of these would mess with any pins other than those for VGA and keyboard. In any event, the BS2 routines reinitialize DIRA and OUTA when they're called. The BS2.start routine just saves the pin numbers for later.

    I didn't try stopping and starting the video driver repeatedly. I did make sure it started properly and stored the right information and I did try stopping it, making sure it updated some tables then. I'll look at that over the weekend.

    Do you have the current Propeller Tool (I think it's 0.98.1)? The earlier version had some bugs.

    You don't need the "OS_editWindow" routines since you've removed the references to them from "OS_initialization"

  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-14 20:10
    Thanks, Mike.· Yes, I'm running V0.98.1

    I could turn the VGA off with no problem - I just couldn't turn it back on again.· I'll load the OS program again and try to communicate with the Stamp.

  • Dennis FerronDennis Ferron Posts: 480
    edited 2006-09-14 21:38
    I wonder if we could fit a GUI by running compressed video memory instead of a bitmap? Only allocate a much smaller buffer, and if the buffer gets too full, drop things on the floor. The GUI code would simply store the most important things in the video buffer first and display extra things only if they fit. We could use run Length Encoding, or some sort of 2 dimensional system that is optimized for rectangles. I.e., instead of 600 bytes for a 30 by 20 button, you would store only the location and dimensions of the rectangle, and a solid color for the entire block. You could have a special code for rectangles that really are bitmaps, but you can't make them very big - just 16x16 or 32x32, but now you can do icons and small images and it *looks* like you have a real GUI, but it's really using sprites. Hmmm.... that's beginning to sound more like the 8-bit Nintendo's graphics system - I'm sure Andre has already done a sprite based graphics system for the Propeller; it could probably be optimized for use as a GUI layer.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-14 21:55
    The problem with a GUI in the current Propeller is that it's tremendously resource intensive. Andre does his sprite graphics system partly by splitting up the work among a bunch of cogs and building several scan lines in advance that way. The cog doing the actual video output is mostly waiting for the WAITVID instruction to start the next tile, but WAITVID can't tolerate any delay. If the data isn't ready, it gets dropped. For the primary market for the Propeller chip, that of a general purpose microcontroller, you need to keep other cogs free for sensors, keyboard, mouse, servos, serial I/O, i2c or SPI, etc. Tieing up 4 or 5 cogs for just the video will only work for gaming or a very simple application. Your ideas are interesting and would probably work, but not for the general case (keeping most of the resources free for other stuff).

    We do need a GUI and it probably should be built on the work Andre has done for the Hydra. We could certainly do buttons and simple lists, but I wouldn't want to try to do any significant amount of text on the Propeller using graphics, certainly labels and simple field entry and that may be enough for many applications. I'm really interested in seeing what's been done for the Hydra for that reason.
  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2006-09-14 22:31
    Mike, a couple of things.

    The Stamp doesn't get hot until I send a command to it, then it heats up very rapidly.

    If I enter "A" at the start menu, the LED on the Stamp lights up just like it should.· The Stamp then sends a message back to the Prop - "Red motor on" - but instead of displaying the message the VGA displays a random line from one of my DAT lists.· The controlling method is "recdata2" at Line 204.· It really looks like OS or vga_hires_text is inhibiting or misdirecting the response from the Stamp in some way.· I'll be happy to run any tests you would like.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-14 23:04
    Thanks. I'll take a look at it tomorrow afternoon. (I'm working [noparse][[/noparse]for money] tonight).
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-15 16:09
    You've got unbounded recursion going on in your "start" and "start1" routines. You're probably not noticing a problem until you've entered a few commands and the stack has had a chance to start overwriting parts of the work areas for the OS. Your code looks like:
    PUB start1    
        waitcnt(wait*2+ cnt)

    You didn't run into this before because, when your program runs by itself, there's no used memory above it. Eventually, your program would stop working because the stack pointer would run out of RAM space and point into ROM. There's also a call to "start" after trying to restart the display. The OS's vga start routine needs some local variables and these get allocated in the stack. You should be able to rewrite this just using a repeat loop in the start1 routine.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2006-09-15 16:38
    Here's a very quick attempt to show how to do the same thing without the recursion. I stripped out routines and data that were not relevant. Consider moving the "press any key to continue" and the wait for a keypress to a single routine and just calling that in "start1" before the "next" commands.
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