The HexCrawler for a Science project
I've been lurking around in the forums, but dosnt have found answers to all my questions. So here I go.
For a science project (bachelor) we want to make some software to controll a robot. The HexCrawler seems like a very good platform to use. (Also to expand on, later in our studies)
In the kit there is a BS2 microcrontroller as i read it, but can you do som real world programming on those? Ive tried the ATMEL Mega16 and its a fine controller and you can write it in c, but i dont really know much about this BS2 controller. Can anybody tell me if its realistict to do som serious programming in the BASIC language, or is it just more a prototyping language? Or perhaps even better, can you mount another crontroller to the HexaCrawler? (and a little bit easy, im a software dude).
Our plan is in rough draft this:
Control a mobilerobot, obstangle avoid etc the basic controll.
The robot should some how (part of the project) could load a map, and should follow a route. So there is a need for a compas.
Video link and controll with some posibility to make feedback to a central.
Besides the videolink stuff.
Is it possible to make this project from what there is in the HexCrawler kit, or do i need something extra?
Sorry for any allready asked questions, but i just havnt been able to find the answers in the forum.
Best Regards
Lasse Thomsen
I've been lurking around in the forums, but dosnt have found answers to all my questions. So here I go.
For a science project (bachelor) we want to make some software to controll a robot. The HexCrawler seems like a very good platform to use. (Also to expand on, later in our studies)
In the kit there is a BS2 microcrontroller as i read it, but can you do som real world programming on those? Ive tried the ATMEL Mega16 and its a fine controller and you can write it in c, but i dont really know much about this BS2 controller. Can anybody tell me if its realistict to do som serious programming in the BASIC language, or is it just more a prototyping language? Or perhaps even better, can you mount another crontroller to the HexaCrawler? (and a little bit easy, im a software dude).
Our plan is in rough draft this:
Control a mobilerobot, obstangle avoid etc the basic controll.
The robot should some how (part of the project) could load a map, and should follow a route. So there is a need for a compas.
Video link and controll with some posibility to make feedback to a central.
Besides the videolink stuff.
Is it possible to make this project from what there is in the HexCrawler kit, or do i need something extra?
Sorry for any allready asked questions, but i just havnt been able to find the answers in the forum.
Best Regards
Lasse Thomsen
·· Bear in mind that, while the Hex crawler comes with a BS2 which is more than capable of controlling it and several sensors, we have other controllers available which could be used and that are more powerful, such as the SX and the Propeller.· I hope this helps.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
You could mount a video camera and transmitter on the HexCrawler. Most of them are made for security monitoring purposes and are not designed for battery operation. Some of the R/C (radio controlled) model airplane suppliers have much better systems from a size/weight/power standpoint.
The BS2 controller that comes with the BOE-BOT and HexCrawler is fairly limited in program memory space and has quite limited data storage. Consider replacing the BS2 with a BS2p which has more program space which can also be used for storing a map and has additional data storage. Also investigate using the Propeller. It's much much faster than any of the Stamps, has more memory, and can function more independently than the Stamps. The Propeller Demo Board can attach to a keyboard, mouse, VGA or video display. Disadvantages of the Propeller is that it's new. There's not much documentation yet while there are several books on programming and on robotics and industrial/process control using the Stamp. There are plenty of examples of the use of a variety of sensors with the Stamp while there are only a few examples using the Propeller.
So if i purchase a HexCrawler I would also have to add a Ping ultrasonic sensor, a compass and perhaps replace the onboard controller with a more powerfull one like the propeller.
A question about the Propeller, I have been working with the Atmel MEGA16, and for this chip can I write my software in C (which i love), but as i see it, you have to write Assembley for the Propeller, is this true? Not that i see Assembley as something bad, I just like to have a little higher lever of programming langauge.
About the documentation, as long as Parallax has made a full release of registers, use of it, etc,etc,etc, it shouldnt be any trouble.
But in my search around on the www, it sure looks like that the hexcrawler is the platform im going to use. (Maybe the Quad version if, the collected price becomes to high)
HexCrawler Kit
Proppeller kit.
Compas module.
Sonic Ping for object detection.
The mounting bracket for the sonic ping.
And it sould not be any trouble to attach the proppeller demo board to the robot?
We are also gonna need some sort of a power-source. Any ideas or suggestions?
Instead of using a videolink, we are considering to build a robot which can find a rfid chip i a room, and signal back to basestation when found, and the maybe return home.
So to do this we need:
RFID reader
The radio reciever and transmitter and a couple of rfid chips.
Are we missing anything or is this what we need? (if you include a powersource)
Thanks for your link, I will take a closer look at this later. But it sure look like the connection between the HexCrawler and the Proppeller that I have been looking for.
But Is there anything in my list, I should add / remove?
For the battery pack, a 7.2V Radio Control NiMH battery pack is more readily available and often comes with (or can be purchased with) a rapid charger. I suggest keeping both the Stamp and the Propeller mounted on the robot chassis. You can learn more easily about the robot and how to control it using the Stamp and the existing books in the Parallax library. When you're ready to move the control functions over to the Propeller, they should be readily converted. The PING and compass already have "objects" in the Parallax Object Exchange that you can download and just use. There may be one for the accelerometer as well (I haven't looked). The servo controller just uses serial commands and there are several different serial drivers for the Propeller. In addition, if you use the Propeller Demo Board, you can temporarily attach a PS/2 keyboard and video monitor to help with debugging.
Consider using a ZigBee RF network adapter that Martin Hebel sells <>, one for the robot and one for your PC.
Just one last question or more a reasurance.
The Propeller Tool Software v 1.0 (Supports Win2K and above) is all that we need to compile software for the propeller chip? There is no limitations in anyway?
Best Regards.
Lasse Stig Thomsen.
Yes, the free software is all you need (on the PC end), and it is not limited in any way (time nor function).
You'll also need a means of connecting to the Propeller, but should be included in the "Propeller Kit" you had on your list.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
The Propeller on the demoboard has all stuff drawn out to VGA, Audio, etc. And only 8 pins for custom I/O. Is this enough to control the servo's and some sensors?
The main difficulty is in making the connections. You could certainly get 5 outputs using the VGA connector and parallelling those I/O pins with resistors connected together (1 each red, blue, green, H-sync, V-sync). If you're really good at soldering to SMT devices, you could attach fine wires to the LEDs to get access to both I/O pins of each color output pair to get another 3 output pins. It is easier to use a PropStick or WulfDen's Propeller Robot Controller, but, if you have a demo board, you can use some of the other I/O pins.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 11/1/2006 2:56:03 PM GMT
Thanks for you help.
So now all we can do is wait for the gear to arrive. [noparse]:)[/noparse]